Monday 23 April 2018

Opções binárias opteck


Opteck não oferece mais opções binárias. Para obter uma lista de corretores alternativos e revisões comparativas completas, visite nossa página de corretores.

Alternativamente, estes são nossos três principais corretores baseados em avaliações:

A Opteck é uma marca inovadora e única e é uma das principais plataformas de negociação de opções binárias desenvolvida por uma empresa sediada no Reino Unido, com filiais em todo o mundo que fornece soluções tecnológicas para a arena de comércio online.

Começar a negociar com a Opteck é tão fácil quanto o 1-2-3.

Jogue com segurança & # 8211; os comerciantes são obrigados a fornecer documentos necessários para verificar a autenticidade do usuário.

A abertura da conta demora menos de um minuto e pode ser feita online ou com o aplicativo de negociação móvel da Opteck. Os depósitos e levantamentos são feitos por meio de cartões de crédito / débito, transferência bancária (Wire), Web Money, Cash U e Western Union.

Abrir uma nova conta requer um depósito mínimo de US $ 250.

A experiência de negociação da Opteck é divertida e simples, pois é baseada na web e não há necessidade de baixar nenhum software ou aplicativo. Além disso, os comerciantes podem negociar em qualquer lugar com o aplicativo móvel profissional da Opteck - a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.

Os comerciantes podem negociar com 4 moedas diferentes: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY.

Recursos de plataforma e mercados oferecidos.

A plataforma Opteck contém muitas ferramentas e materiais educacionais, a negociação pode ser feita diretamente dos gráficos e os comerciantes podem negociar os seguintes ativos de opções binárias:

Ações: TOTAL, Facebook, Apple, Google, Coca-Cola, Carrefour, Amazon, Baidu, Deutsche Bank, Vodafone, Fiat, HSBC, BP, Volkswagen, Barclays, Alcatel Lucent.


Commodities: Ouro, Café, Prata, Petróleo Bruto, Milho.

Índices: NASDAQ, DJI, S & P 500, NIKKEI, CAC40, DAX, Índice do Kuwait, DFM-IND, DSM20-IND, Tadawul.

Opteck oferece vários bônus e promoções para novos traders, como bônus de 50% no primeiro depósito e cashback para os dois primeiros negócios, se ambos forem perdidos, os pagamentos podem ser de até 100% e até mais. Os bônus podem variar de acordo com o tipo de conta e depósito e são consideravelmente generosos.

Tipos de negociação possíveis são.

Alto / baixo, um toque, faixa alta / baixa. Uma negociação pode levar menos de 3 minutos & amp; o pagamento é de até 100% por opção binária.

Inglês, italiano, japonês, russo, árabe.

O departamento de atendimento ao cliente da Opteck está disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, por telefone, com um número gratuito, chat ao vivo e e-mail principalmente em inglês, mas também na maioria dos idiomas suportados pela plataforma.

Opteck é um embuste?

A Opteck é uma das mais recentes corretoras de opções binárias do setor. A Opteck foi fundada em 2011 e utiliza a popular plataforma MarketPulse para negociação. A Opteck é uma das poucas corretoras de opções binárias do setor que se orgulha de seu profissionalismo. Embora a Opteck não esteja sendo regulamentada por nenhum órgão regulador financeiro, não há razão para acreditar que a Opteck seja uma farsa. A principal razão por trás disso é sua política transparente e seus excelentes serviços educacionais e de suporte que fornecem bons conselhos a todos os operadores. Além desses, eles fornecem várias carteiras eletrônicas diferentes para garantir a segurança em todas as transações financeiras.

Opteck é um embuste?

A Opteck é uma corretora de opções binárias regulamentada, presente no mercado sul-africano desde 2011.

A Opteck é de propriedade da Centralspot Trading Ltd.

Se você quiser saber mais sobre a plataforma Opteck e serviços, leia nossa revisão Opteck.

Opteck é um embuste?

A Opteck está listada na Binary Options South Africa como uma corretora que oferece aos traders uma plataforma de negociação moderna para uma experiência geral de opções binárias rentáveis.

Nos últimos anos, desde a sua criação, não encontramos quaisquer reclamações de Opteck sobre o golpe Opteck. Os comerciantes que investem em opções binárias com este corretor, podem desfrutar em alto nível de segurança com o Opteck, que é um indicador de como o golpe Opteck não existe.

Às vezes, os comerciantes que perdem dinheiro nesta indústria apontam os dedos nos corretores para a sua perda de dinheiro, para que possam chamar Opteck scam etc. Analisamos este corretor e ficamos satisfeitos em descobrir como a Opteck oferece aos comerciantes uma ampla seleção de diferentes ferramentas de negociação e Serviços.

Uma variedade de opções de negociação e tipos de conta estão disponíveis na própria plataforma proprietária da Opteck. Não descobrimos nenhum golpe Opteck durante a nossa análise.

A negociação de opções binárias com o Opteck é simples e acessível a todos os comerciantes na África do Sul, que não devem ter dificuldades ao fazer o login na plataforma Opteck.

Os comerciantes podem escolher entre 6 contas de negociação diferentes, dependendo das características de negociação. A plataforma proprietária destina-se tanto a novos operadores quanto a experientes.

Os comerciantes podem usar tutoriais básicos e avançados para obter o melhor da negociação de opções binárias e aprender dicas diferentes, que podem ser de grande ajuda no processo de negociação. Uma variedade de estratégias, webinars e outros materiais educacionais estão disponíveis na plataforma Opteck.

Para poder praticar e aprender todos os truques na negociação de opções binárias, a Opteck preparou uma conta de demonstração para todos os comerciantes sul-africanos. A possibilidade de usar a conta de demonstração do Opteck é muito útil para os comerciantes, especialmente os novos, que podem praticar e testar a plataforma. Este é mais um fator do golpe não existente do Opteck.

Opções binárias do Opteck Wiki.

Opteck wiki é um corretor binário que, há anos, oferece plataforma de negociação com inúmeros recursos e serviços para os comerciantes na África do Sul.

Opteck wiki é um dos corretores que é regulado por um órgão regulador.

O registro e o processo de login são simples e diretos, e os comerciantes não devem ter dificuldades ao fazer login na plataforma. Antes de efetuar qualquer pagamento no wiki da Opteck, os comerciantes precisam primeiro verificar sua identidade. Estes documentos são procedimentos regulares e incluem cópia do documento com foto e comprovante de endereço.

Após o processo de registro ser concluído, os comerciantes receberão um email para ativação da conta. Mais tarde, os comerciantes sul-africanos têm que selecionar o modo de pagamento preferido.

O Opteck wiki fornece aos traders uma ampla gama de métodos de depósito, como transferência bancária, cartões de débito / crédito e e-wallets. Em caso de pagamento com cartão, os comerciantes devem apresentar Opteck com uma cópia do cartão de crédito que será usado no processo de negociação.

Como mencionamos acima, os traders podem negociar com 6 contas de negociação, além de demonstração. Cada tipo difere por suas características e quantidade mínima de depósito. Características como bónus, alertas de negociação, sinais binários, análises diárias do mercado e sessões privadas com especialistas em negociação são apenas algumas das muitas disponíveis no wiki da Opteck.

Para mais informações sobre a Opteck, consulte a nossa análise Opteck.

Depósito Mínimo Opteck.

Após os traders se inscreverem na plataforma Opteck, o especialista em conta Opteck explicará mais detalhadamente como depositar com a Opteck e de onde começar a negociar opções binárias.

Para começar a negociar, o depósito mínimo da Opteck está definido para $ 250.

Este montante é muito competitivo na indústria de opções binárias. Os comerciantes que utilizam o depósito mínimo de Opteck são elegíveis para o bônus Opteck. A altura do bônus depende do tipo de conta escolhido.

Por exemplo, se os operadores selecionarem uma conta Bronze com um depósito mínimo de Opteck de US $ 500, receberão um bônus de boas-vindas de 35%. Os comerciantes têm acesso a mais de 20 webinars de negociação e até US $ 5.000 em dinheiro virtual na conta de demonstração.

Conta com maior depósito mínimo Opteck traz também mais recursos de negociação e maior valor do bônus. Conta de demonstração é um excelente exemplo de como é possível melhorar as habilidades de negociação e maximizar o lucro com opções binárias.

Para saber mais sobre a importância da conta demo em opções binárias, leia nosso artigo aqui.

Combinado com o depósito mínimo de Opteck, outros recursos comerciais também estão disponíveis para os comerciantes na África do Sul. Para proteger os dados dos operadores financeiros e pessoais, a Opteck usa o mais recente sistema SSL de proteção de segurança, que criptografa os dados dos operadores.

As informações bancárias estão claramente indicadas na plataforma Opteck. A Opteck oferece aos comerciantes muitos materiais de educação úteis, que incluem e-books, webinars, sessões de negociação e relatórios de mercado sobre vários ativos subjacentes. Todos esses materiais podem ajudar os comerciantes a obter altos pagamentos em opções binárias após selecionar o tipo de conta com um depósito mínimo específico do Opteck.

Negociação de opções binárias com Opteck.

Negociar com Opteck pode trazer muitos benefícios para os comerciantes na África do Sul.

Devido à nossa revisão Opteck e uma variedade de instrumentos de negociação e recursos que eles oferecem, a negociação de opções binárias pode ser uma jornada lucrativa para aqueles que participam do processo de negociação com a corretora Opteck.

Os comerciantes podem chegar a 85% de retorno com o menor investimento de US $ 25.

Nós achamos que Opteck é uma plataforma bem protegida quando se trata de informações de trders graças ao sistema de criptografia SSL, que é muito importante na indústria de opções binárias.

Negociar com a Opteck permite que os investidores invistam em diferentes opções de negociação, como opções de 60 segundos, alta / baixa, um toque e intervalo.

Além disso, a negociação de opções binárias com a Opteck torna disponível para investir em vários ativos subjacentes. Esses ativos podem ser categorizados em ações, moedas, commodities e índices.

Um dos elementos mais significativos na negociação com a Opteck são os serviços de suporte ao cliente. Os agentes de atendimento ao cliente respondem muito rapidamente a qualquer dúvida sobre o processo de negociação, desde o login sobre os recursos de negociação até as informações bancárias e retiradas, e não há golpe de Opteck.

Isso é muito importante para os traders, pois eles podem ter certeza de que terão uma assistência adequada durante sua jornada de opções binárias com essa corretora.

A Opteck é gerida por profissionais que passaram anos no mercado financeiro e dedicam-se agora ao fornecimento de serviços de negociação na indústria de opções binárias. Negociar com a Opteck mostrou-nos que esta corretora oferece serviços bancários excelentes e transparentes para os comerciantes na África do Sul.

Como eles apareceram no mercado financeiro, não encontramos esse corretor para ser um golpe Opteck. Sua própria plataforma proprietária oferece inúmeros recursos comerciais e serve como uma ótima maneira de lucrar com opções binárias.

Opção Opteck (sem opções binárias).

Opteck (sem opções binárias)

A partir de 24 de março de 2017, a Opteck não oferece mais opções binárias, operando exclusivamente como corretor Forex / CFD. A revisão apresentada abaixo não é mais aplicável e é apresentada apenas para fins de arquivo.

Opteck é um site de opções binárias operado pela Centralspot Trading (Cyprus) Ltd., uma empresa sediada em Limassol, Chipre. O site entrou em operação em 2011. Apesar de não ser muito antigo, ele possui um bom número de recursos e recursos. O site é suportado em vários idiomas, mas neste momento apenas parece aceitar comerciantes dispostos a negociar em dólares americanos. Os comerciantes dos EUA são aceitos. Seria bom se houvesse um pouco mais de informações sobre essa empresa disponíveis na web, mas por enquanto elas parecem valer a pena.

Depósitos e Retiradas.

Quando você se inscreve, só precisa fornecer informações básicas. Não é necessário selecionar uma moeda neste estágio e você não precisa fazer um depósito até que esteja pronto para começar a negociar. O site oferece bônus de partida até 50%. Estes são bônus no estilo de alavancagem, mas nos termos e condições do site para bônus, você perceberá que eles também dão bónus em dinheiro real. O depósito mínimo é de US $ 250. Por incrível que pareça, parece que não há outra moeda disponível. Não há lista suspensa para selecionar qualquer coisa. Em outras áreas do site, as libras esterlinas são mencionadas, mas elas ainda não parecem ter essa opção disponível. Você pode depositar usando cartão de crédito, transferência eletrônica, Western Union ou transferência eletrônica como Skrill, CashU ou WebMoney.

As retiradas parecem ser muito flexíveis, o que compensa um pouco os aborrecimentos que envolvem as moedas de depósito. Você pode retirar o máximo ou o pouco que você escolher, e não parece haver taxas ou limites sobre quantas vezes você desistiu. A maioria dos corretores dificulta um pouco o seu dinheiro, limitando-o a uma retirada por mês ou exigindo que você remova US $ 100 de uma vez, então nós realmente gostamos dessa flexibilidade. É seu dinheiro, afinal, e eles estão apenas tomando emprestado, então você deve conseguir retirá-lo da sua conta facilmente.

A página comercial da Opteck é fornecida pela MarketsPulse. Essa não é uma plataforma muito comum, mas, pelo que podemos dizer, a interface é simples e simples como qualquer outra plataforma de opções binárias de primeira linha. Além disso, a Opteck suporta o comércio móvel no iPhone e no Android e até inclui algumas instruções para negociação no seu dispositivo móvel. Às vezes você tem que procurar por essas informações, mas o Opteck facilita a localização. Irritantemente, é impossível explorar a plataforma de negociação sempre que você faz check-in enquanto a negociação é fechada; o site exibe um relógio informando quando a negociação é aberta e não permite que você clique por aí. Você pode encontrar screenshots online, no entanto.

O tamanho mínimo de negociação é de US $ 25 e o tamanho máximo de negociação é de US $ 500. Esta é uma área em que o Opteck é, infelizmente, bastante limitado. Se você tiver uma conta muito grande, dificilmente ganhará dinheiro quando tudo que puder ser negociado for de US $ 500 por vez. Isso pode restringir o site a traders com bankrolls mais modestos. Você pode negociar commodities, moedas, ações e índices no site. Existem apenas 29 ativos subjacentes no momento. Se isso é um problema ou não depende do que você gosta de negociar. A maioria deles são ações. High / Low e One Touch estão disponíveis desde que o site abriu suas portas, e apenas alguns meses atrás, em outubro de 2012, o site adicionou a negociação Range aos seus tipos de negociação. Você pode ganhar até 85% em suas negociações vencedoras, e a Opteck irá reembolsá-lo de 5 a 15% em negociações perdidas. Este é o único corretor de opções binárias que oferecemos, garantindo algum tipo de reembolso.

Recursos educacionais e ferramentas de negociação.

Há um bom número de recursos educacionais e ferramentas de negociação no site, apesar do fato de que a Opteck não existe há tanto tempo. Há um e-book, um conjunto de vídeos tutoriais de negociação, introdução, algumas informações básicas sobre análise fundamental e técnica, mais recursos em fundamentos de negociação e uma análise de mercado. Há também especialistas financeiros disponíveis para fornecer conselhos individuais. Não há menção sobre se você deve pagar mais ou depositar mais para se beneficiar deste serviço. O site simplesmente diz para ligar e pedir para falar com alguém.

O atendimento ao cliente na Opteck pode ser acessado via formulário da Web, e-mail, telefone (incluindo um número gratuito se você estiver no Reino Unido) e bate-papo ao vivo. Pelo menos em teoria, esse é o caso; Quando fizemos o check-in com o bate-papo ao vivo, não conseguimos fazer o sistema funcionar. Experimentamos no Opera e no Chrome e, em ambos os casos, o formulário nos informou que não preenchíamos todos os campos necessários (havia três deles e o fizemos). Por causa disso, não conseguiu nos conectar a uma pessoa. Assumimos que este é um erro técnico simples e será corrigido a tempo.

Opteck parece ser uma mistura de bom e ruim. O fato de que você só pode depositar em USD pode ser um impedimento para alguns traders internacionais, mas irá agradar aos que estão baseados nos Estados Unidos. A flexibilidade dos termos de retirada compensa um pouco as restrições sobre os tamanhos dos depósitos. Existem várias maneiras de negociar opções binárias no site, o que é sempre um excelente recurso, mas a desvantagem da negociação é a limitação do tamanho das transações. O site tem muitos recursos, o que também é excelente, mas o recurso de bate-papo ao vivo quebrado é problemático.

A emissão de moeda na página de depósito também pode ser um erro técnico. É fácil atribuir esses problemas à novidade do site. À medida que a Opteck amadurece, eles podem resolver esses problemas e adicionar mais opções de moeda e simplificar seus recursos de atendimento ao cliente. Caso contrário, eles podem oferecer um serviço interessante para os operadores com rolagens bancárias relativamente pequenas, então dê uma olhada. Lembre-se de verificar outras avaliações de terceiros e entrar em contato com o atendimento ao cliente antes de se decidir a negociar na Opteck ou em qualquer outro site de opções binárias.

Opteck (sem opções binárias), 2.0 de 10 com base no 2 classificações.

Revisão de um comerciante.

Eu não vou tocar opteck com um pólo de dez milhas porque eles são scam se você não acredita em mim experimentá-los e você vai se arrepender que você fez.

Deixe um comentário.


Corretores Recomendados.

Novos corretores.

Boletim de Notícias.

O comércio de opções binárias envolve risco. Embora o risco de executar uma opção binária aberta seja fixo para cada comércio individual, é possível perder todo o investimento inicial em um curso de vários negócios ou em um único comércio se o capital inteiro for usado para colocá-lo. Não é recomendável basear as suas decisões de investimento em qualquer informação apresentada ou proveniente de BinaryTrading. Ao navegar neste site, você expressa sua aceitação dos termos deste aviso e que o BinaryTrading não pode ser considerado responsável por quaisquer perdas que possam ocorrer como resultado de sua negociação de opções binárias. A BinaryTrading não é licenciada ou registrada como consultor financeiro ou consultor. O BinaryTrading não é um corretor, nem um gerente de fundos. O site não oferece nenhum serviço pago. Todo o conteúdo da BinaryTrading é apresentado apenas para fins educacionais ou de entretenimento.

Aviso Geral de Risco: Negociação em Opções Binárias traz um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de seu investimento. Como tal, opções binárias podem não ser apropriadas para você. Você não deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder. Antes de decidir comercializar, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco. Em nenhuma circunstância, devemos ter qualquer responsabilidade para qualquer pessoa ou entidade por (a) qualquer perda ou dano total ou parcial causado por, resultando de, ou relacionado a quaisquer transações relacionadas a Opções Binárias ou (b) qualquer direto, indireto, especial , danos consequenciais ou incidentais.

Opteck Login 2018.

Visualização do site.

Opteck é uma opção interessante para quem quer negociar forex de uma forma muito fácil, segura e simples. Mas tenha em mente que a empresa não aceita traders do Reino Unido e dos EUA.

Este corretor regulamentado, devido à decisão da CySEC, não oferece mais bônus!

Leia nossa análise para Opteck.

Registrar e fazer login é um processo muito fácil e simples, e os comerciantes precisam fornecer seus dados para o registro inicial. Antes de depositar, haverá necessidade de verificação e um email será enviado para ativar a conta. Em seguida, os usuários devem escolher se preferem usar cartão de crédito ou transferência bancária. Além disso, os comerciantes têm que preparar um documento de identidade emitido pelo governo com uma foto, cópia do cartão de crédito e uma conta de residência / pessoal com nome e endereço.

O Opteck tem seis tipos diferentes de contas disponíveis para os traders, dependendo de suas preferências e possibilidades.

Aqueles que querem ter um primeiro gostinho de Opteck podem ir para uma conta verde que requer um depósito mínimo de US $ 200. Os benefícios incluem avaliações diárias, mensais e semanais, 5 tutoriais em vídeo educacionais e um bônus de inscrição de 25%, mas nenhuma conta de demonstração.

A conta Bronze requer um depósito mínimo de US $ 500 e uma conta de demonstração é oferecida, juntamente com um gerente de conta e um bônus de 35%. A próxima, a conta Silver, exige um depósito mínimo de $ 1000, e todos os benefícios das contas acima são fornecidos, além de sinais de negociação e uma lição sobre a liquidez do mercado.

A conta Gold é adequada para aqueles que desejam depositar entre US $ 5.000 e US $ 9.999, e uma conta de nível sênior gerencia, sinais de negociação e todos os benefícios listados acima são fornecidos. A conta Platinum é para aqueles comerciantes interessados ​​em ter acesso prioritário a corretores seniores e lições adicionais em análise de gráficos, bem como todos os benefícios acima.

Finalmente, a conta Black, para aqueles que desejam depositar mais de US $ 25.000, oferece bônus de 100%, 4 lições, lições individuais de um corretor chefe e telefonemas pessoais.

Opteck é um embuste?

Os comerciantes que investem em forex todos querem saber está negociando com Opteck seguro, tanto quanto a negociação com corretor regulamentado pode ser. Podemos informar nossos leitores que não há relatórios de golpe Opteck para o FBO. Estamos felizes por podermos promover este corretor em Opções Binárias Justas.

Com a reputação de ser um corretor forex confiável desde 2011, esta corretora pretende fazer um esforço contínuo para fornecer aos comerciantes em todo o mundo os melhores instrumentos de negociação para a negociação forex. Opteck faz parte da Centralspot Trading Ltd.

A Opteck tenta fornecer um ambiente de negociação seguro para os investidores depositarem e retirarem fundos sem dificuldades. A Opteck é uma corretora regulamentada, que obtém a licença CySEC com o número de registro 238/14. Nos últimos dois anos, não encontramos informações sobre o golpe da Opteck ou reclamações relacionadas à conduta nos negócios.

Opteck presta atenção para oferecer um grande apoio aos comerciantes em todo o mundo. Ao rever a Opteck, ficámos surpreendidos com a excelente Opteck Academy, onde os comerciantes podem utilizar uma variedade de materiais educativos. Como o Opteck é supostamente administrado por uma equipe de profissionais, seu objetivo é oferecer aos operadores para obter o máximo da negociação forex, usando as melhores dicas e ferramentas, enquanto negociando com diferentes ativos. Em caso de dúvidas, os comerciantes podem entrar em contato com a Opteck no e-mail e no bate-papo ao vivo para obter uma resposta rápida. O processo de depósito e retirada é simples e não há atividades fraudulentas envolvidas. Até agora, não recebemos nenhuma reclamação sobre esse corretor ao suspeitar que Opteck é uma farsa.

Opteck Demo.

A Opteck é uma marca da BHNV online Ltd. - uma empresa de serviços de negociação on-line sediada em Londres, Reino Unido. O ethos da empresa é supostamente impulsionado por uma paixão de finanças e mercados. É por isso que a Opteck afirma firmemente que a simplicidade, as boas oportunidades de aprendizagem e o serviço profissional são pilares importantes para orientar os seus clientes.

A fim de aumentar o conhecimento de seus clientes, a Opteck formulou uma estrutura de suporte para os traders, consistindo em um conjunto de ferramentas e recursos eficazes que eles consideram cruciais para o sucesso da negociação. A estrutura consiste, como dizem, em uma oferta de conta demo, uma série de ferramentas educacionais, um software de negociação baseado em nuvem multiplataforma, design versátil que atende a todos os níveis de experiência e uma equipe de suporte ao cliente profissional, eficiente e atenta.

A conta demo é, com muita frequência, uma característica subnotificada e subestimada quando se trata de corretores. Na verdade, a conta demo é um excelente primeiro pilar para o sucesso do framework de suporte Opteck, uma vez que permite aos comerciantes.

usar o software e acostumar-se aos aspectos técnicos e operacionais da plataforma e aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos através do pilar educacional. Os comerciantes podem usar fundos virtuais para testar suas habilidades de análise técnica, bem como o uso de várias estratégias.

Usar a conta de demonstração é realmente simples - embora o registro e um depósito sejam necessários. O depósito é solicitado para garantir que os negociadores estão interessados ​​em negociar forex com a Opteck. Os fundos virtuais não estão de forma alguma relacionados ao depósito em dinheiro real e podem ser usados ​​para negociar virtualmente. Após o término do período de demonstração, a conta é transferida para a conta real e os clientes agora podem começar a negociar com mais confiança. Além de dedicar algum tempo para aprender algumas noções básicas do mercado, como análise técnica e fundamental, a conta de demonstração ajuda a dar suporte aos clientes em seu caminho para dominar os mercados.

Qual é o depósito mínimo com Opteck?

Para começar a negociar forex com a Opteck, os investidores têm que investir $ 250 de depósito mínimo. Esse valor de depósito é padrão na indústria forex. Os comerciantes que se registram e depositam na Opteck, obtêm acesso à sua própria plataforma de negociação proprietária e são elegíveis para bônus de boas-vindas.

Este corretor regulamentado, devido à decisão da CySEC, não oferece mais bônus!

Com a Opteck, os comerciantes devem saber que este corretor cumpre os padrões de segurança do PCS e toda a comunicação entre os operadores e a Opteck é garantida pela tecnologia SSL que criptografa os dados.

Os comerciantes podem depositar em USD, EUR e GBP. É possível depositar através de vários métodos de depósito com Opteck. Esta corretora aceita pagamentos via cartões de débito / crédito, transferência bancária e e-wallet.

cartões de débito / crédito & # 8211; Mastercard, Visa, Visa Débito, Maestro, Diners Club, JCB…

Os comerciantes podem escolher entre 6 tipos de conta Opteck para depositar e iniciar o processo de negociação forex. Com a conta verde, o depósito mínimo é de US $ 250 e permite que os comerciantes façam 10 investimentos a US $ 25. Em caso de depósito mínimo de $ 500 Opteck, os comerciantes podem receber $ 5000 de dinheiro virtual para usá-lo na conta de demonstração.

Opteck Mobile Trading.

Desde que Steve Jobs e a Apple revolucionaram a indústria móvel, a inovação continuou a se espalhar por todo o mundo, e não apenas em dispositivos móveis, mas também em todas as outras indústrias. A economia de aplicativos se tornou um negócio multibilionário que facilitou a vida de mais de um bilhão de pessoas usando um smartphone hoje. O setor financeiro não foi exceção. Os bancos usaram o aplicativo para tornar seus serviços mais acessíveis a seus depositantes e clientes, enquanto a indústria forex aproveitou essa oportunidade e agora todos os principais desenvolvedores de plataformas têm um aplicativo iOS e Android para que os comerciantes possam negociar em qualquer lugar. Este é realmente um passo em frente para quem gasta muito tempo negociando forex.

Com os comerciantes de aplicativos móveis podem fazer negócios no forex como se estivessem em seus computadores. Os aplicativos de negociação móvel da Opteck não são apenas algumas versões em escala da interface da Web, mas também peças de software completas que têm sua própria interface e usabilidade. Está bem claro que tem que ser assim. Se o aplicativo móvel Opteck tiver a mesma interface da versão da web, ele não poderá ser usado, já que a mesma lógica de design não funciona tão bem em uma tela pequena quanto pode funcionar em uma tela grande. Como a Opteck tem sua própria plataforma proprietária de negociação forex, eles também desenvolveram seus próprios aplicativos.

Aplicativos móveis Opteck estão disponíveis através da Apple AppStore e Android Market (Play Store). Assim, ambos os usuários dos dois maiores sistemas operacionais de smartphones do mundo podem usar essa oportunidade de negociação móvel da Opteck. Juntos, estes dois cobrem mais de 70% das remessas globais de smartphones, o que significa que a Opteck Mobile cobre a maioria das marcas e sistemas operacionais modernos de smartphones. Como o Opteck precisa seguir as diretrizes da plataforma ao projetar a interface do aplicativo Opteck Mobile, todos os usuários acharão fácil navegar pelo aplicativo.

Benefícios do comércio móvel forex são infinitas. A revolução sem fio está mostrando sua melhor cara aqui, já que não há mais necessidade de negociar a partir de casa. Os comerciantes podem usar o aplicativo móvel Opteck onde quer que estejam, se houver acesso à Internet. Como os smartphones modernos não têm apenas conexão 3G, mas também o chip wlan, também podem usar pontos de acesso. Os operadores não só podem negociar em movimento, como o fato de o Opteck mobile estar disponível em smartphones significa que não há oportunidades de mercado por aí que passem despercebidas. Se houver um evento de mercado, os traders não precisam voltar para casa para aproveitar isso. Eles simplesmente pegam seus celulares, ligam o aplicativo, escolhem o ativo e o tempo de expiração e fazem o comércio.

Bônus Opteck.

Este corretor regulamentado, devido à decisão da CySEC, não oferece mais bônus!

O bônus Opteck oferecido é usado como incentivo para os comerciantes novos ingressarem e começarem a ganhar dinheiro usando o tradingforex. A capacidade de adquirir este bônus e atender aos requisitos é aberta a qualquer pessoa e é uma oportunidade igual para todos. Bônus Opteck são adaptados para aqueles que estão apenas começando no negócio comercial.

O valor do bônus Opteck pode chegar a até 510.000. O bônus Opteck oferece o maior valor de um bônus por qualquer sistema de negociação on-line na Internet até o momento.

O comerciante deve ter uma conta válida com Opteck para se qualificar para um bônus, bem como um depósito inicial, uma vez que a conta tenha sido verificada. A identidade do profissional deve ser verificada e, em seguida, o trader precisaria enviar uma solicitação válida para a equipe de suporte.

O valor do bônus não pode ser imediatamente retirado uma vez que é creditado na conta; parte do bônus pode ser retirada usando uma solicitação de saque junto com seus ganhos. Se forem necessárias mais informações sobre os requisitos de bônus, o trader em questão pode falar com um representante da equipe de suporte da Opteck. Opteck é uma ótima oportunidade para quem está começando no negócio de trading.

O bônus Opteck pode ajudar todos a ganharem mais experiência à medida que melhorem no comércio forex, porque eles têm mais dinheiro para negociar. Esta grande oportunidade não deve passar despercebida e é por isso que a FBO está incluindo a Opteck em sua lista de melhores corretores de forex e convidando todos os tratadores a dar-lhes uma chance. Ao aceitar um bônus, os negociadores também aceitam os termos e condições, de modo que devem sempre pensar mais de uma vez sobre isso.

é regulado por.

Artigos Opteck.

Casino mais votado.

Min. Bônus de inscrição de depósito $ 10 até $ 300.

Trusted Forex Broker.

Min. Depósito Max. Alavancar US $ 250 1: 400.

Principais plataformas de negociação.

Broker Min. Depósito Min. Investimento Comentários $ 250 $ 25.

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Copyright © 2012-2018 Todos os direitos reservados Fair Forex Brokers - ua.

Disclaimer: Este site é independente de todos os brokers forex, criptográficos e binários apresentados nele. Antes de negociar com qualquer um dos corretores, os clientes em potencial devem garantir que eles entendam os riscos e verifiquem se o corretor está licenciado.

O site não oferece serviços de investimento ou recomendações pessoais aos clientes para negociar opções binárias. As informações sobre a FairForexBrokers não devem ser vistas como uma recomendação para negociar opções binárias ou serem consideradas como conselhos de investimento. A FairForexBrokers não está licenciada nem está autorizada a fornecer conselhos sobre investimentos e assuntos relacionados. O potencial cliente não deve investir direta ou indiretamente em instrumentos financeiros, a não ser que conheça e compreenda os riscos envolvidos para cada um dos instrumentos financeiros promovidos no site.

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Revisão de Opteck.

A Opteck é propriedade da Centralspot Trading Ltd, localizada em 249, 28 de outubro Street, Lophitis Business Center 1, Escritório 102, CY-3035 Limassol Cyprus. A sede social da Sociedade está situada em 6 Tassou Papadopoulou, Office 22, 2373 Agios Dometios, Nicósia, Chipre e o endereço comercial é no Lophitis Business Center, Escritório 102, 249, 28th October Street, Limassol, 3035 Chipre. O corretor é regulado pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Chipre (CySEC) desde 20/06/2014 sob o número de licença CySEC 238/14. O número de registro da empresa é 325259.

Opteck é um embuste?

Esta empresa é regulamentada e você pode localizar facilmente seu endereço físico. No entanto, Opteck deve melhorar em duas áreas para se tornar um corretor mais confiável: 1. Algumas informações básicas estão faltando e eu só poderia obter depois de conversar com o chat ao vivo. Coisas como apostas de bônus, processo de retirada “Observação, confirmação com seu gerente de conta ou corretora é necessária para a finalização da retirada”, e taxas irrecuperáveis ​​como “taxa de manutenção” não são exatamente minha xícara de chá. 2. Eu posso ver um problema com sua equipe, parece que eles estão, por vezes, muito ansiosos para "ajudar" os comerciantes que às vezes cometem erros que causam danos às suas contas de clientes. O regulamento proíbe os gerentes de conta do corretor de dar conselhos, por isso esperamos que não vejamos mais isso. Em qualquer caso, a equipe BinaryOptionsThatSuck está aqui para seguir!

Opteck tornou-se um regular da nossa Scam Watch Series durante 2016 com pessoas chamando-os de um "site de apostas", "borderline negligente, se não bandidos" e sentindo-se enganado por eles. É seguro dizer que esta corretora, apesar de seu regulamento CySEC, não é uma das principais opções para os traders por causa disso.

Atualização 2017, a ridícula taxa de manutenção ainda está lá, mas há também a taxa da conta inativa e a taxa de liberação, e uma taxa de 3,5% em todas as retiradas… Opções binárias são conhecidas por serem livres de taxas e comissões, então não entendemos por que a Opteck está tomando essa nova estrada, a menos que seja a única maneira de ganhar dinheiro. E você ainda tem que falar com um gerente de contas antes que sua retirada seja processada, o que soa estranho porque muitos outros corretores processam sua retirada automaticamente.

“Uma taxa de serviço de 3,5% é cobrada sobre todos os outros saques. No caso em que esse percentual seja igual a um valor de US $ 30 ou menos, o profissional será cobrado uma taxa padrão de retirada de US $ 30. A taxa máxima de serviço para uma única retirada é limitada a US $ 3.500. ”US $ 3.500, é o que chamo de SUCKY.

Não sabemos de nenhum outro corretor que cobraria tanto. Isso significa que, se você quiser retirar o valor mínimo permitido (50 $ / €), a taxa aplicada será.

pelo menos US $ 30, o que significa uma retirada de 50 dólares vai deixar você 20 ... o que pode ser o motivo de seu tráfego ter caído. O tráfego foi reduzido significativamente nos últimos 6 meses, caindo mais de 50%, o que consideramos ser um problema sério.

Nota do Editor - Por que Opteck Suck em 50 palavras?

O que mais me incomoda no Opteck é o número de reclamações acima da média feito pelos seus clientes, e também os mais detalhados. Mais de 20 páginas de discussão (a maioria delas são reclamações) apenas em BOTS… Esse é um grande número sem dúvida. Eu vejo algumas das queixas sendo resolvidas, às vezes um pouco tarde demais, mas a maioria fica sem resposta.

Atualização de fevereiro de 2017 - desde a nossa última atualização, o número de reclamações subiu, parece que a regulamentação por si só não é suficiente para tornar a Opteck uma das principais corretoras. A sua reputação está lentamente a ser eliminada e continuará a fazê-lo se não melhorar o jogo. Colocando as reclamações de lado, a horrível estrutura de taxas sozinha deve afugentar qualquer cliente.

Por que Opteck não chupa?

Seus comentários diários de mercado ainda estão atualizados, algo que a maioria dos corretores não tem tempo para mexer. Este é um sinal de profissionalismo e deve ser tomado como exemplo por todos os corretores e sites que cobrem o setor financeiro / comercial. A Opteck também oferece muitos webinars ao vivo e durante horas diferentes, o que é bom, mas não posso dizer se eles são bons, pois não os atendemos. The topics “Technical and Fundamental analysis” and “Market Insight” sound good but why go there when you can use the BinaryOptionsThatSuck School, video library and forum?

Should I Open An Account With Opteck?

Opteck is regulated by CySec and right from the start I could see they are transparent and I can easily get information about the company that owns the website and also their physical address, a thing that should be adopted by all brokers. After all, I give them all my personal details and copies of government issued photo ID’s so why some brokers choose to hide their name is beyond my comprehension. But as I was saying, Opteck publicly shares this information, so there’s no problem here.

The platform used by Opteck is TraderSoft, which is known to be very user friendly and intuitive; you can trade directly from the chart by clicking on the Up or Down arrows that appear when you move the mouse pointer over a chart. Once you click on the arrow, a box automatically appears and you can select the desired amount to invest. It’s so simple and to the point that I don’t think even a newbie could mess up a trade and blame it on the platform. A great addition made by Opteck is the feature of selling an option: once you opened a Call or Put trade, if you feel like price is not going your way, you can choose to sell the option (close the trade) and by doing so you will receive back a part of your initial investment.

Update August 2016: Their website is a bit more polished than before but doesn’t stand out as one of the greatest and the Demo account still requires clients do have a Bronze Account ($500 minimum deposit). Live Chat support is not willing to… support at all and answered my questions with predefined copied text. My question “Who is your platform provider?” returned an answer along the lines of Our platform is the most innovative… no download required… the best…

They still have monthly maintenance fees of 7.50. I assume this means 7.50 USD or EUR or whatever currency your account is in. The problem is that I have to assume because they don’t say what it is even in their Terms and Conditions and their support is going to just copy – paste something like “We are the best in the business”. Keep in mind there’s also a Clearance Fee which will be applied to all of your trades. I recommend you read their T&C, especially section 20 if you want to know about their fees.

Update February 2017 – putting together the ridiculous amount of fees, dormant account fee, clearance fee and the extremely high withdrawal fee it seems like Opteck really doesn’t like withdrawals or want you to trade with them. In addition, you must go through your account manager verbally in order to approve a withdrawal and we all know what that means… (so they can try to keep you from withdrawing) This is really unprofessional and there are many better brokers who offer free and fast withdrawals and no such fees and if I were you I would try to look for them instead. Considering the crackdown by regulators on such behavior I’d expect to see this change, or Opteck to start receiving some major fines.

Opteck Complaints.

Most complaints are very detailed and seem very authentic. It really seems like opteck’s clients decided to take some time to explain their feelings, the experience they have been through and overall send a clear massage – they’re not happy. Some complaints have been taken care of by Opteck Support, which I find great, but not enough. Recently we’ve seen a decrease in complaints, our team will keep following.

Update August 2016: Seems Opteck have their ups and downs: before we’ve seen a decrease in complaints but now there’s an increase. Well, as we always say, even the best brokers suck sometimes… and Opteck is not even one of the best.

Update February 2017 – we can see that not only have many regulators have issued warnings towards Opteck but there are still many serious complaints which make them look like a bad broker. Stories like “account managers wiping accounts” or withdrawals not being processed or being difficult to achieve do not instill trust. You can also search for Opteck on our main page (select magnifying glass icon) and you will notice how often they appear in our scam watch articles, April, June, August, September, December scam watch and also noticed in our news articles on regulators issuing warnings against Opteck.

Opteck Regulatory Announcements and Warnings.

8.12.2016: Manitoba’s MBS adds Opteck to their list of “Alerts & Cautions” due to them not being registered in Manitoba to provide financial advice in the region. Source: MBSecurities. ca.

26.04.2016: Italian Consob adds Opteck to their blacklist after BCSC also warned about them. Source: Consob. it.

08.04.2016: The BCSC in British Columbia warns against Opteck who is falsely claiming to be based in Belize and for unlawful solicitation of BS residents. Source: BCSC. bc. ca.

02.07.2015: Belgian regulator FSMA, strongly advises against investing with Opteck and their (former) owner B. H.N. V. Source: FSMA. Be.

13.02.2015: ASIC in Australia warns of Opteck for being unlicensed binary options provider. Source: ASIC. Gov. Au.

21.01.2014: French AMF adds Opteck to their list of unauthorized websites. Source: AMF-France.

Opteck Bonus.

The Bonus starts at 20% for the basic account holders with 250 deposit but it can go as high as 100% if you are a VIP member (100,000 deposit!). To withdraw the bonus, you have to trade between 40-50 times the bonus amount as stated in the “terms and conditions”. The good part is that you can withdraw your funds despite the bonus as it is “kept separately” from your own funds.

Opteck Withdrawal.

There minimum withdrawal amount is $50. Once the client has provided the required documents, the withdrawal will be processed within 3-4 business days and a few more days to get account manager authorization… After which, depending on the individual’s bank, it can then take up to 7 days to show on the client’s statement. Withdrawal can be done in the same way as deposited, up to the minimum deposit amount. The rest of the profits could only be withdrawn through bank-wire.

Update August 2016: Processing time is on average 3 to 5 working days and a fee of 3.5% must be paid. More fees… In addition, if the 3.5% fee doesn’t reach 30$/€, an additional 30$/€ fee is added to your withdrawal fee!

Opteck Ratings.

User Friendly 19/20.

The Market Pulse platform is intuitive, the website is well structured and all features are easy to use. There is a small delay when executing a trade, but within acceptable limits. The website is available in 9 languages including English, French, Italian, Dutch and more.

Número de ativos e prazos de vencimento 17/20.

Their basket of assets is average low as they only have about 50 assets to trade. The expiry times range from 60 seconds to 2 minutes, daily and sometimes longer time frames, with the possibility to trade One Touch Options and Range High/Low.

Update 2017, the advertised assets reach up to 157 and signing in to the platform we can see that under High/Low there are around 44 currency pairs to trade but not all available during the time we looked which is normal but at least 30 were available which is great. In addition, 94 stocks, 7 commodities and 12 indices are available but again, bear in mind that not all of them will be available at the same time and for all option types!

Commissions, Support and Effective return 13/20.

On the first day of each month, you will be charged a maintenance fee which is something most brokers don’t do. Their Customer Support is quick to answer and helpful, giving pretty straightforward answers. There’s a 3.5% withdrawal fee. The effective return goes as high as 84% (1-3% higher for VIP members) and you no longer get a refund up to 15% if your options expire Out of the Money.

Update February 2017- there are many strange and high fees at Opteck… Clearance fee on the first day of each month, dormant account fee, withdrawal process fee and withdrawal additional 30$/€ minimum fee.

Depósito, pagamento e bônus 16/20.

The minimum deposit is $250 and can be made using various methods: wire transfer, major credit cards, WebMoney, CashU, Western Union, JBC. A withdrawal will be processed by Opteck within 5 business days but it could take between 7 to 10 business days until the funds will show in your account. The normal bonus is 20% but it can be higher during their special promotions.

Update August 2016: The bonus trading volume now ranges between 40 and 50 times the bonus amount.

Website Extras 12/20.

There is the possibility of “one click trading” and candlestick charts with a limited amount of tools like trendlines, S/R lines and shapes but also a good number of indicators.

Opteck Ratings 77 + Regulated (+3) – *Low User Rating (-5) = 74/100.

I just got done watching a YouTube video that said that since they are not regulated that they are illegal in the USA. The video explained that a company had to be regulated or there was a crime… is there any truth to that?

Hi, I’m Brad and I’m a binary options trader. I’m Brad and I’m a binary options trader. To the best of my knowledge binary options brokers do not yet have to be regulated. Brokers regulate themselves in order their traders more confidence in trading with them. However there is no mandatory license for the US and most brokers are anyway regulated by the European CySEC which is irrelevant for US traders anyway. Anyway, I’m trading with Opteck for a while and meanwhile have encountered nothing else but solid support, honesty and kindness.

great video telling the truth, I did not need to buy the program to know it is a scam, i use andylank/cash-flow for daily income.

yes it is these companies they always.

hide something and train their people how to play the.

right . I have a bad experience with optack.

I deposited $5 000 with Opteck, with the idea that I would deposit another $5 000 in order to have one of their brokers work with me on my account. For the very first session together he didn’t show up, and when he saw that I closed my account and applied for withdrawal, he suddenly called me with a string of excuses. For this kind of money in one’s account, they are unprofessional and their broker service is just as untrustworthy as that of BBinary – I had EXACTLY the same experience with both these companies in this regard. To this day, no one from Opteck even put in the effort to apologise in writing about this incident – and this after they called me numerously to make the deposit.

Opteck made contact with me and their support at the moment is top-notch. To want to compare them to a company like Bbinary was really a mistake on my part. Thanks to the entire support team to try and help sort out the issues. The one thing that truly tests a company’s integrity is when it comes to withdrawal. After my short discrepancy with them I applied for a withdrawal, and the speed and no hassles with which it was processed should give any one peace to trade with Opteck. Obrigado rapazes.

Are you able to get your money back? Will you trade with them again?

Hi, so you are saying these guys do good work?

I have just opened with Opteck and I have found their support and contact to be outstanding and I live in Australia. They have already spent over an hour with me on the phone setting up accounts for netdania and running through their system. I have my first trading lesson with my allocated stockbroker tomorrow. They only receive a commision on successful trades so it is worth their while spending the time to make your trades profitable. Well worth the $ and time.

Just like fanie, same thing happened to me. Opteck make false promises for trainings and one to one sessions. They dont turn up on the scheduled dates, by the time, we trade and lose some money, then different people will call you to deposit with new scheme of bonuses, prizes and risk free trades. To be successful in Opteck, 75 to 80% of trades should be profitable which is difficult for a new trader. Hence, with Opteck people playing around with the money of new traders, this should be an eye opener for people.

Be careful!! I believe it is a fraud. I´ve been trading for a while and I´ve been succesfull. I got an e-mail saying that my account was suspendede and I´ve been trying to reach opteck and nobody answer back. They keep saying they are goig to call me back, but nobody does. I belive it is a scam. I couldn´t withdraw the money i put.

Opteck has called me and said they are giving my original investment back.(I´ll report when it is credited). They suspended my account claiming there is an investigation by the market regulator about me manipulating the results (?) and they have to wait before can restore me access. I have profits that are on hold until they end the investigation. I still don´t know the name of the agency that allegedly is running the investigation nor have received any notification besides the e-mail of opteck. Since I´m on hold, I think is fair to change my previous comment to put them on hold.

Hey Luis Carlos. Have They resolved your issue and explained why your account was suspended. Please let me know the outcome because I’m thinking of investing there.

invested 32k . went to 142k in 3 days. asked to take out 100k and never heard back. did as my options trader told me and lost it to 22k. continued to listen to my trader and am down to 764$ and can’t get it out. guess they want it all. opteck is certainly a big scam. take my advice and stay away from them.

Brokers Alex Katz & Marshall Grant offered bad trade advice and took me to the cleaners.

I want to update the review because Opteck is actually helping me and I have to be fair.

Opteck did send my money back to my country. I am still trying to make it liquid, but they have been very supportive in order to help me to do it. In the world of binary options where you can´t trust many people, maybe they are one of the few you can. Also, it is important to mention that Mr. Cooper is very helpful and very professional. So I can consider that everything has been settled.

I invested $20 000 with them. When i did not get the results i expected i requested a refund of my money. I have been waiting for a month before they came back with the eexcuse that i received training/webinars and therefor there is a cost implications and i cannot withdraw the money. This is a scam and once they have your money you are screwed.

Since they are Scam why do not we raise this up.

Are you able to get your money back? Não.

Will you trade with them again?

So you guys that say you have been trading for a while now and have been successfull, wich online traders would you suggest.

According to the bank where I hold my account here in brazil, the withdraw of my profit is available to be completed, depending only on the demonstration of the money origin. I´ll stil need some help form Mr. Cooper to get some information, but is fair to say that he has helped me a lot. I wish I could erase any bad coment on his name.

Hey Luis, did u manage to withdraw your money?

I have been trading with Opteck since September. Once I was offered access to a “secret strategy” if I deposited 1k. I did so, and the strategy never materialised. All I got was blank screens when I followed the link to the so-called webinar. But the worst was that on November 7, 2013, I placed a trade of 2000$ on the eur/usd for a minute. At the last moment my graph jumped into the green, but Opteck said I lost anyway. I checked the values on FreestockCharts and Netdania, and the values showed I won that trade. Now I get the cold shoulder from my broker John Harris, and he says he’s “busy on the phone”. I must say that a lot of the signals that I got from them were pretty lousy anyway, and I did much better trading on my own than following their signals. Although I believe the company exists, and that the probably are not scam artists as such, their platfor is completely wrong with delays etc, and the way they pressure you for money is unbelievable, but when you need help, you get the cold shoulder. Im very disappointed, and Im going to make a video to put on YouTube to show everybody what they have done.

I do totally agree with your comments. They are only available to take your money that will never be returned back. I’m not speaking about the profit or the FAKE bonus . I mean your own deposited money that will never be returned back.

Eu concordo & # 8211; their signals are lousy.. total rubbish. I watched them for a while but they were barely making 50%, sometimes even less than that. Pathetic.

While I was with them, I got no support from them at all on how to trade. It was just..”Keep on trading until we get your account up.” But when I ask HOW “we” are going to do that… no reply… Hmmmm..

Since Ive posted this message, Opteck agreed to refund my investment that I lost on the trade that I was supposed to win. John Harris has been extremely helpful and kind, and I was really unfair in writing such a scathing review. John Harris went to a lot of trouble helping me eventually and Im staing with Opteck.

The Opteck provides good customer services. I want to thank my account manager, Mr. Marshall for his patient, efforts and support that he provided to me in order to educate me and rise my level up. Its platform is easy to use and friendly.

Ahmed.. you get paid to be a PR person for Optek??

But I agree, they do provide good customer service. I found them kind and friendly, but it still doesn’t change the fact that their signals are I was even given signals via Skype for currencies that didn’t even exist on their platform! And the platform ISN’T easy to use. It is all over the place – expiry times that end in 20 minutes past the hour or 45 past or that go longer than an hour.. very hard to figure out when to place a trade.

But of all the sites I have been on OptionBit and Optek would have to be the best. Very friendly, attractive packages and they do want you to succeed – which is how they make their money as account managers. And, lets face it.. we are there to make money (hopefully) too.

I was fooled and deposited $300 at first, then i got a call from a Michael Richards telling me invest more to get the video lessons and a senior broker help to make more money so i added $5000. PLUS I will get a $200 free trade, so if i lose the 200 they will give it back to me.

I traded and waiting for the senior broker to call, He calls always at the bad time, sent him an email few times with the correct time to call and he said OK, but always goes back to the bad timing.

I stayed for a while with them, then i requested the $200 free trade to be deposited in my account but never got it. also the Demo account was never activated, maybe they are hoping for me to trade and lose all my money by the time they call me back.

So now its been a while with no one asking about me. I went and withdraw all my money, but you get the “this transaction must be authorized by your broker. So next day i get a call from John Harris who i never talked to at the wrong time again. I emailed him to call in few minutes he never did, next day same things. and Today he didnt even call back.

Please guys stay away from this company. I made a mistake and paid the price. Don’t do the same mistake i did. I’m trying to get in contact with anyone to help me out now i don’t know what to do.

I will give it more few days, and I will go to my lawyer and see what i can do to hurt them, the same way they hurt me.

Stay AWAY Keep Your MONEY.

I have been trying to withdraw money from Opteck without any luck these people are very bad they give different excuses everytime I contact them.

They are doing the same with me. I deposited some money, I lost some and want to withdraw the rest. They don’t let you withdraw. But when they want you to deposit the call you everyday like crazy.

I recently opened an account with Opteck with £300…and made a couple of small trades. I then had one of their ‘managers’ Daniel on my phone asking me for my credit card number so he could deposit money into my account as he wanted to help me make money for all of us! Why would I give a complete stranger on my mobile phone my credit card number….so I declined. I then had five more phone calls from Opteck over the following four days…which I decided not to answer. Too much pressure put on you to ‘invest’. I made quite a few trades – won some, lost some…and agree that the timing of the closeouts does not agree to the second with FreeSTockCharts which I was running alongside Opteck charts. I’ve been in the money right up to the last SECOND, and then lost because Opteck chart goes red when FreeStockCharts says different. I’ve now requested a withdrawal – 10 days ago – repeatedly emailed about WHY my withdrawal is not being actioned….and guess what – absolute SILENCE from Opteck. Yes, I think it’s a scam – and I’m just pleased I’m talking about hundreds of pounds here (as a test) not thousands like some of you guys.

Let’s suspect that at the moment, their brokers are not making the money they are supposed to. December is a though month for all the forex traders… They need all our money to make it happen to their very big accounts/customers. The little ones like us are subsidizing for the big accounts perhaps. Take from all the little Pauls to give to big Pete…

I have attempted to contact Opteck several times now regarding registration, it has been over a week & i never got a reply from them.

Opteck seems to be abit of a misfit on how they conduct business, 99% of online brokers allow a user/customer to at least demo the software for 30 days ect before opening a live trading account..

Opteck provides nothing ! you get a demo account only when you open a live account, now that is just abit greedy or shows that the company doesn’t have enough money to cover server costs.

Been trading with GCI Trading, they offer all the best platforms, stable open source software, tons of signals available & they pay out 4% interest on your balance.. If you live in Canada like me where interest rate is half.. GCI Trading is a really good solution :^)

First impression was really good , but after making deposit everything has changed. A broker contacted me almost after a week , and he didn’t help me at all. To withdraw the funds is still a challenge. Really unprofessional.

Ur blog comments say different from ur review.

I recently opened an account with Opteck with out deposit. Then I had lot of phone calls from Opteck over the following four days…which I decided not to answer. Too much pressure put on you to ‘invest’.

I then had one of their ‘managers’ Kenny Smith on my phone asking me for deposit and I believed him and invested 1000$.

I made quite a few trades – won some, lost some…

I continued to listen to my trader and am down to 300$.

I’ve now requested a withdrawal – 10 days ago – repeatedly emailed about WHY my withdrawal is not being actioned….and guess what – absolute SILENCE from Opteck. Yes, I think it’s a scam – and I’m just pleased I’m talking about hundreds of pounds here.

My money is stuck with Optek. O que eu posso fazer? I am deeply disturbed. Mark Hayes asked for my credit card number for verification and then charged USD it without my consent. So far I have not received any call from him inspite of me sending a few emails and calling on their number as well.

Is there any govt. agency where I can complain?

Sim. Always there is a gov. agency to complain. Internet is for what? Find out all the details with your documents as a proof and send it to the agency in the UK. they will follow up and do the needful. Meantime, if you have paid by your credit card, raise an issue with your bank who provided Credit Card and raise “Dispute” for the amount you paid and even if you used while trading with opteck, you will get 100% refund from your bank credited in your a/c in 2 to 3 weeks time. Boa sorte.

All guys i m being stupid and trust them, and the way they do is not very professional, so it make me doubt, and i search on net to find more about opteck and now i can proof they are scam!

Before i make payment i got so much disturb by their calls. one day call u 10 times. after payment done, they disappeaer and call u one time, and help u make a big trade without explain anything on the theory, gone and left u alone, and even ask help and no one response.

Thanks for your advise, i would like to let everyone know that opteck is scam.

i pay 1000 and then they call and ask for puting more, to 10,0000 and then they help me trade a bit and ask for puting more to 25,000, then they said will offer much professional. however i think they are all bulshit!

I have reported to my credit card center on this scam, as i saw their condition, we need to give all ID, address proof and sign back agreement, then will open account to have trade. however, i havent done all, the so called ” professional trader call me and ask to put real money to trade and make loss of total more than 10000, when i want to find him i saw there is loss, he disappear.

Totally scam on OPTECK!!

Roma, u think the credit card company can stop the payment? as i only open 4 days ago and payment statement not yet arrive. pls reply to 1119646547@qq.

You have 32 months to claim Credit Card money provided you have a legitimate claim.

My account number: 131215054558 is registered at optech. I invest 1000USD and slowly I am going for good trade. 1 day opteck called me that their is webinar is coming but for this you have to deposit 10,000usd. i refused it because i dont want to. I told them I want to deposit only 1000usd next week for make my account litle big so I trade on big amount. They said ok but we have very good offer for you. if you deposit now this 10k webinar we will give you when you deposit now 1k, I said OK, they ask my credit card numbers/expiry date and code (for fast intry and approval of webinar). instead of 1000usd, they make 2 more transactions 5000usd and 4000usd total 9000usd, which is 100% cheating.

On January 10, 2014, I make a request to withdraw 12,000/- after exact 5 minutes, i recevied a call from opteck, (Mr. grant) telling me this is great time to trade. they told me trade now and we will tell you when and on what currency you trade and how much you invest. I said ok. they told me invest in 3 different currency for 30 min and per trade 4000usd. i did. after 30 minues all 3 trades are on lose and my account is vanished, total 12000usd is gone from my account. i told them 1 hour ago i request for withdraw and you people called me to do trade and exact 12000usd i loose just because you people dont want me to withdraw.

Grant replied, I am transfering this call to our account manager he will goude you, how you recover your lose. Finally, their account manager (Mr. Mickel) said, I know your lose but invest more now and we will try to recover your lose, can I charge your same card for deposit? I refused and told him that you people cheated me.

I called so many times and email them but they have only 1 answer INVEST MORE TO RECOVER .

I dont have that much money they took 9000usd from my card with out my intention without my permission.

Let’s report them and stop their license.

If anyone would like to report them, give me an email at sisterkohk@yahoo. hk.

Started trade on Opteck with a small investment and was constantly persuaded after some initial losses, to add more funds to increase my chances at gaining better results.. After some successful bids on my own a senior broker(Jason Swift)called me and offered some hints to make successful trade because of good signals on currencies.. As a result of him ‘helping’ me I lost in one day, all my funds.. Stay clear of them!

After being conned into putting in 2k more into my account after having $500 already, I received a call from the broker, initially seemed legit. The next day however I informed the broker that I do not wish to continue and after having chatted with me to stay. He finally conceded. My request for withdrawal however has not been done as yet. And after having sent emails every week to support and complaints still nothing, till I tried their live chat. There I was told that the broker needs to approve the withdrawal, and apparently the broker claimed that he could not get in touch with me “how could he if he has not tried calling me”. Opteck is a scam stay away from them, when they want you to put your money in you will receive lots of calls. But when you want to withdraw, Not a single reply to your mails.

Opteck are bloody crooks. Scammed me in putting in $4500. Now I’m trying to withdraw my money. Waiting for John Harris’ to call me back. None of them sound like they are from London for starters.

recently I tried to withdrawal my money but Opteck so much bureaucracy…They want me to send documents end then they say I need account manager or broker…Now they hold my account! I am so angry! Why it is so hard to withdrawal my money? They are so sin because they play with poor people heart!

If you invest with this thieves you will loose your money. Não faça isso.

I have lost $5k because marshall grant refuses to refund the money.

Stupidly he has sent me his entire client base so I will email them all and make sure they know about this site.

Let’s report them and stop their license. What’s your email address?

Thanks everyone for sharing your experience with Opteck. I registered few weeks back hoping to get a demo account to test this binary process out. But I was really disappointed that I must pay at least a 1000 USD to open the platform. However, I keep receiving calls as everyone else here to deposit and activate the account, yet I wan’t quite sure about it. But now thanks to your comments I decided not to trade with Opteck.

OPTECK HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT ONE BIG SCAM AND LIE FROM THE WORD GO… I AM PERSUING THEM AND HAVE ENOUGH EVEDANCE TO PROVE THEIR SYSTEMS AND TRADING PLATFORMS ARE WRONG AND MUNIPULATED… DO NOT INVEST A CENT WITH THEM AS they keep wanting you to deposit and up your account to make up for your losses, and say keep on training we will educate you as you go…BALLS, This is complete rubbish and no one knows how to deal with the complaints in this company, Also they have no professional responses to emails or serious queries that has been logged within the firm….They keep on passing you to brokers to try and give you a motivational talk and then get angry when you don’t listen to them. I cant get my money out and have prove and reason to believe my 3000 USD investment was part of their system catch. If you do research in comparison with other Brokers, trading software and charts you will see this is not nearly correct to you investments. I have screened all my trades and logged a file of my own which I will be taking to relevant Authorities. They did not see this one coming. Thanks and be safe out there people.

what happened when you logged a complaint?

THe one thing I did not like was the fact that the staff and brokers openly bad mouth each other to me over the phone to try and make the client feel better about themselves. This is FRAUD and must be taken to court and start investigating. so that we can have our losses paid back to us. I am not the only victim in opteck, If you have had any bad experiences. Please do not hesitate to get hold of me as I am aiming get my money back that’s in the account and the amounts lost through the opteck systems and trading platform.

Built my account up to $7300.00 they would only let me withdraw $1000.00. I turned over the necessary volume about $70’000 over three months. Then one of their gun brokers lost the rest of my money.

I can relate to that. I trusted my broker being a newbie. He had me place one trade of 60000 used long term, which thankfully came in the money at 40,000 profit. However, while waiting for that to close, he helped me lose another $50,000 shortly after I had requested a withdrawal. Not everyone can take these high aggressive trades and for a newbie, I thought it was reckless of the broker to even suggest it. I had no problem withdrawing money when I asked thankfully, and it took 8 days as I had been told. I think if you have the right broker, Opteck are actual OK. Their platform is easy to use. You just have to be able to say no when you don’t feel right about a trade. I should have said no to the big reckless trades he was having me take.

I think generally speaking this is a good opportunity, but you have to be able to invest enough time to be successful or to get your money’s worth. I have tried to explain to my broker that travelling in Africa makes it really difficult to trade as very often the bandwidth does not allow you to access or trade on the website. I think it is important to rather listen to what your clients are saying instead of trying to up-sell me.

A person that travels more than 60% of their time will struggle to find enough time to trade and learn. I have just received a visa for the USA and busy relocating, so I am trying to close my account which is proving to be challenging…I hope this will get resolved soon so that I do not need to take it further.

Sometimes these guys are so determined to get you to put in more money that they forget a long term solution is important. I clearly am not the right candidate for Opteck as I wasn’t willing to fall for the sales speeches and the urgency they created. If you do not spend enough, they lose interest in you since this is after all a numbers game. Jason Swift has been kind and patient with me, I think he has good intentions to help people through this if you are dedicated. However, it felt like a _ match as he told me how busy he was every time I told him how busy I was…I as not making it up.

Hi I am busy looking at getting into this business and have done a lot of looking on the net. What I do not understand is that the editor of this site clearly states does not believe they are a scam but based on the comments there is clearly a problem at Opteck. The question is are there any above board companies that advertise on line and hound you.

I invested with Opteck in November and started off with 2000$. I got a call from one of their senior brokers a month later asking me to increase my deposit so that I could be given more attention. I was told that senior brokers handle bigger accounts and that would help me increase my profits. This was my first mistake. I deposited another 8K into the account and was trading decently (having made 800$ profit). The senior broker called me one day and asked me to invest (rather he connected via teamviewer and entered an amount of 3000$ in two trades). He said these were VIP signals and bound to make money. Second mistake. I clicked on invest and lost both trades. The reason I was given is there was a delay in him giving me this tip since he had bigger accounts which needed to be given priority.

I complained and got the broker changed. The next one promised to bring me back in profits, arranged sessions (training) with chief analysts but that did not help me at all. I was asked to put another 2K to receive signals from SignalsXP. Third mistake. Those signals are mostly useless. I did some live trading sessions as well and in one of those I lost 19 trades and won 9. I was down to 8 grand and asked to withdraw my funds when my broker asked me to do one more session with an analyst. I put in 2500$ on 5 trades and lost another 1500$. Once again I asked for withdrawal.

I was then contacted by the Chief broker who apparently thought my account was in a bad state and she was committed to helping me. She promised to call me in 2 days time which obviously never happened. I escalated and was contacted by another Chief broker a week later promising to look in to this and prepare a strategy and guide me to bring me in to profits. Never happened!

The earlier Chief broker then called me and put me on with this Chief analyst who made me put 7 trades. Thankfully I did not listen to him and put 750$ per trade as that would have brought my account to null. Once again I lost 5 out of the 7 trades and no one had a explanation. I still trusted the Chief broker and two days later put another 5 trades out of which I lost 3 again. I had it and called it quits.

The only good experience I had with opteck was that my funds arrived and they did arrive sooner than I anticipated. The technical and customer support is good and they do help you. I am not naming people involved in this is because the idea is not to point fingers at individuals. If anyone is interested in more information please write to me separately.

I would never recommend Opteck to anyone who is seriously thinking of investing or is a newbie. They do not offer good training, only empty promises and will make sure u loose your money.

OMG, The part that they so nice to make a contact for you is cause you lose your money on trading and they were happy. This was happening also in Indonesia where my brother’s friend put his Rp 200.000.000 intrading with this kind a Binnary which is make you think easier to earn more money. Yep they can operated in brand Hotel in main city. This Binnary actually is Fake and Offline . Why offline, how can you be online to trading world if this company and brokers not listed on the stock exchange. They use A Software of Binnary that stock exchange trading trend. This Binnary is Fake.

Hello, Could you possibly elaborate on a better trading site. I’m looking to invest but from all the comments I am seeing it seems that optek would assist me to lose more money than turning a profit.

Your experience above sounds exactly what is happening to me right now. can i please get in contact with you to discuss this. I to don’t want to name names just yet but i will if this is an ongoing thing.

Looking fore to chatting.

I got my money back. All of it. But the experience was harrowing.

Looking forward to having a chat with Opteck tomorrow. So far so good – honest traders, and friendly service. Would definitely recommend.

Stay far away from this despicable broker. I made over 15k USD last month. It has been 2 weeks now since I closed the account and pulled all my money out of the account. They sent me a wire transfer with all the wrong information in it. Now my funds have been rejected here in Canada, as there were errors in the initial wire. I have been dealing with Ross Petrov who continues to tell me that the funds still have not shown up in their Cyprus bank account. I am very scared I will never see my hard earned 15k ever again. Anyone have any similar issues, please help!

Is this legal for South Africans to trade on Opteck.

Hi Lee, I’m also from South Africa (Pretoria). I’m currently using ETX Capital but planning to change brokers because of their limited and fixed entry times. Do you know of any good, reliable broker a South African can use?

You will all lose your money. Stay away from Opteck and all other binary options companies – unless you like gambling of course.

started off with 2k last month, invested another 2k and then 5k.

i built my account upto 11k; not much as that guy from the youtube promised but still, im glad that i made 2ks without moving a muscle.

but what nerves me is that a lot of those ppl talking shit about optek. really. all those folks can’t be lying, right?

so far i havent made any tries for the withdrawal, but do they really give you the cold butt when i pull the w word out?

really, im worried.

Anyone have a positive experience with this trade firm from beginning to end?

already i make a deposit of 250 usd, i win more that 50.000 usd.

i request a withdraw of 250 usd and i an waiting withdraw since week ago….

When i to receive i will publich here….

I started with Opteck with the recommended $1000 but then the account manager they gave me did nothing but hassle me to increase my account to $2500. I got very little investing advice of any use so decided to withdraw my funds and start up with another binary options broker. Once I made the withdrawal request, they said my paperwork was not in order and the name on my credit card didn’t match my paperwork !! Once I resent the information, I had an email stating all was approved pending the account managers approval !! Eventually he gave his approval and it’s over 3 weeks and still no refund despite several emails to both the account manager and their billing department and many live chat sessions where I’m told it’s been handed to their management. Sent yet another email this morning and got the usual 24 – 48 hours for a reply.

Their web site says 3 to 4 days for withdrawal approval then several more to go back into my account. This is now going on for 4 weeks so at present, until my money is given back to me.

i just signed up with Opteck and deposited the minimum amount which is 250 dollars after i made the deposit i tried to access the demo but all that came up was a paragraph explaining what is was for but there was no demo account to be found, after i tried that a few times i got fed-up and went straight for the trading platform but nope not allowed in there either so I’m kind of scared i just ditched 250 dollars for nothing and a little bit frustrated does anyone out there have any idea how to get around this issue.

I’m very upset at how Opteck chooses to conduct business, I gave trading a go a few months back. I went ahead and deposited $2500, and given the 30 day demo to see if I really wanted to move forward. Seeing the withdrawal terms being pretty straight forward. So after the 30 day trial I decided its not for me. I then sent in all the information and everything needed to withdraw…I received a couple phone calls from.

Don Kingsly/Account Manager.

Don. Kingsly@Opteck and his many attempts of trying to keep my money resulted with me agreeing to my $2000 back into my bank account immediately and him working hard to make my $500 “work for me. Now he has completely fallen off the grid. Ignoring my emails and nothing… nada mesmo. I’m completely frustrated and need my money back asap.

Registered on their website just a few minutes ago but have yet to open an account.

Within a few minutes of registering (definitely less than 5mins), got a call from one of their broker in Europe stating that he will help me with the process. Initially, he asked which account I wanted to open, and I briefly mentioned most likely the Green Account. He next wanted me to give my credit card details over the phone to ‘help’ me open an account (I find this very odd. All banks and brokerages don’t do this unless you specifically ask them to). I refuse. I said I will open one through their website.

Next was the sale pitch. He became very persistent in wanting me to open an account there and then and will guide me through with opening one within their website (I am not stupid or IT illiterate as to not know how to do it myself. WTF?!). I refuse stating that at present, I will open an account when I am ready and have researched more about binary options.

Next, to persuade me further, he tried to tell me that today they have a “special” offer that even if I open the Green Account, I will get a demo account, 50% welcome bonus, intro by account manager and Webinar (basically the Silver Account). Again I refuse, stating the same reasons above and mentioned that I would like to do it at my own terms, not at present when you are being quite persistent.

He next started to raise his voice stating that I am being very arrogant for not wanting any help. He goes on to say that I am a professional and I am here to help you make money so why are you being so arrogant. He then stated, what do I get to lose given that he is offering you all the above and literally forcing me to give a reason.

From there I stopped being polite and said that he is being quite annoying and I asked him why does he want me to open the account so bad today?! I went on to say that him being very persistent to the point of being very annoying is the reason why I am not going to open an account at the present time.

The conversation ended there. I then went on to Google and found this site.

To tell you the truth, I am not quite sure whether this a scam or not but sounds like it. I am not stupid enough to fall for all those tricks. Definitely will not put my money in with Opteck and cancel my registration tomorrow.

Jack. Your story is copy paste of my story.

I have been trading with Opteck for over 8 months and have had an absolutely outstanding experience with them. My broker is professional, accomodating, excellent at trading, teaching and just so helpful in general. Every company has good and not so good points, but I have found nothing wrong with Opteck at all and to all those who complain about withdrawing money… I can’t imagine it is true because I had no issue, in fact they follow protocol precisely with requests for documentation but that is for the client’s protection. Regarding bonuses and having to trade a certain amount, they just want to be sure that you actually trade… so you move volume and of course, profit! That is what you sign up for right? It is all upfront and explained beforehand, so only those who don’t listen may have problems come up… for the rest of us – a fantastic company with an amazing opportunity.

i opened account at opteck and put 7k in there after i planed to withdraw money then they started to call me everytime i logged in. i was so naive and believed case manager and followed their instruction about to blow all of them in 4 bids none of them come to close.

I can not log in at opteck did something happen?

Hi I tried trading with Opteck for a couple of months and found out that it wasn’t for me. Once I realized that I tried to get my money back. I have been trying for almost 3 months now with out success to get my funds returned to me. I have no idea what to do once they decide to ignore your request. I guess I just got scammed and my money is lost to me. Its too bad really all I have read is that they will return your funds just not in my case I guess.

I live in South Africa and I have been scamed American companies many times. Is this one real?

I too want to know, is this rel or Scam?

If someone deal at the present, kindly update.

Thanks guys for the heads up… i was going to do the biggest mistake of my life if it weren’t for the comments that you have provided.

im new to binary i would like to get into trading. im a computer tech.

and very buss minded. the more bloggs i see on this site about binary brokers the more skeptical i get about investing. i would like to find a good broker site to invest in without getting screwed,.i live in victoria bc canada. any feedback on where to start please email me at.

thanks guys for the alls information about opteck. im new too n just lost us300 from my actual deposit us500.a few days past i just won us 160 and now blc of my acc us240.i recive terms n licence agreement from opteck to signup via email.

i just have no idea what is going to be happen and what i want to say i will loose blc of my acc to be zero.

if you give your CC number and so on they will straight charge away your value money . just more be carefull.

My experience with OpTeck is not good. In 60 seconds they took $7000Canadian and in another minute they lost 1/2 of that. After 5 months I still can’t withdraw my balance. More red tape more excuses and still being pestered to trade. Why to to lose what balance I have left? Their algorim makes money only for them. If you still want to trade then don’t use your credit cards. They’ll max out your cards as they did mine.

I had a guy call me the same day I registered on the website. It was so funny, I couldn’t stop laughing. He was so mad cause I would not move forward with the investment and finally he said “ok then I’ll just cancel your registration”.

People keep working hard. Save your money and if you want to invest keep searching until you have found the real thing.

Before I leave I want to thank everybody that wrote about their experience here. Without knowing it maybe, you’re saving people like me from making HUGE mistakes.

I have been contacted by Opteck and actually opened an account with them. However, because of a problem with my debit card, I haven’t funded my account.

Which is fortunate for me based on the reviews that I have been reading.

One thing that puzzles me though is the fact that no-one has commented on the advanced feature called ‘Bollinger Bands”. The demo showed that with the use of Bollinger bands there is an 80% chance that one would “win ” on the total number of trades. How come no-one is talking about these Bollinger bands? Are they for real? Or is that part of the scam? I would really appreciate knowing.

Regarding Bollinger Bands. they are a very common market chart indication and are semi-useful. If you want to find out more, just Google them. Or go to Stockcharts and check them out. You can open a free basic chart situation with Stockcharts.

I have been involed with option trading for many years, and there is one main rule I live by, which is if you deal in the stock market . . . AND CANNOT MAKE BUYING DECISIONS YOURSELF . . . chances are you will lose.

Here is my scammed experience:

At first, I only wanted to only start with a demo to try the whole binary option thing out. They have attempted to call me several times, even through mid night, several times so I finally put $500 in. And then, the account manager insist that I will lose all my balance with this little investment. So she rang me several times to get me to put in more money but it was unsuccessful. And then, the head account manager David Powell finally insist that he will get an analyst to work with me one-on-one and said that how lucky I was to get to talk to him as he only deals with $100,000 accounts so told me how successful they were. So I made the worst decision of putting in another $9000.

Here are the stages of scamming:

1. At first, they seem to be helping me a lot by inviting me to the webinars and make a little bit of money.(All those who went to the webinars are new account holders. Little do they know that they will lose all their balance when they attempt to withdraw.

2. Analysts and account managers taught me how to trade and trade along with me. Trade some on my own and make some money.

3. My account was up to $12000 and so I Made about $3000 and try to withdraw my profit to pay my credit card bills.

4. Withdrawal Request is always cancelled or neglected for 2 weeks. Or I was persuaded by an analyst to not to withdraw.

5. On the 3rd time I contacted customer service for a withdrawal, the senior analyst Bic rang me to trade with him. He worked out a plan so I will lose all my balances with 6 trades. And insist that I should trust his professionalism so I won’t regret. After this session with him, my balances is down to zero. During the session, he is very careful in doing this. He made sure I did it on the demo account and then made sure I took the losing trades so he is not liable for the loses. Now, there is no money to withdraw.

6. I have attempted to reach Bic who taught me to trade the 6 losing trades with all of my balances and the account manager who made all the promises. And of course, they have vanished.

7. And now, after all is lost, I got another phone call from another account manager( why not the same one) to invest more to recover my lost. Of course I refused and I’m Still getting phone calls now to top up the balances so I can trade once again to recover all my lost. Can you believe it, they still want to scam for more money! And they are legalised?!

Note: The last six one-touch option trades are with a senior analyst. I am a newbie, I would never do those one touch trade without guidance. If he is an analyst, he can predict the losing trades.

Option Type Asset Trade Action Status Investment Payout Closing Strike Trade Time (GMT) Expiry (GMT) Trade Action ID.

One Touch OIL 48.82 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 49.46 23/07/2015 13:33:16 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27981120.

One Touch GOLD 1092.89 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 1097.81 23/07/2015 13:31:07 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27981006.

One Touch GBPAUD 2.11461 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 2.11158 23/07/2015 13:29:06 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27980751.

One Touch GBPJPY 193.397 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 192.938 23/07/2015 13:28:22 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27980673.

One Touch USDJPY 124.548 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 123.919 23/07/2015 13:26:26 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27980460.

One Touch EURUSD 1.09402 Closed $2,077.00 $0.00 1.09868 23/07/2015 13:25:46 23/07/2015 14:00:00 27980391.

High/Low GBPUSD 1.56252 Closed $4,400.00 $7,744.00 1.56056 22/07/2015 13:43:03 22/07/2015 20:00:00 27881448.

Quick options EURUSD 1.08988 Closed $1,600.00 $0.00 1.08978 22/07/2015 13:37:08 22/07/2015 13:38:08 27880893.

Quick options EURUSD 1.08998 Closed $600.00 $0.00 1.08990 22/07/2015 13:36:11 22/07/2015 13:37:11 27880794.

Quick options EURUSD 1.09024 Closed $200.00 $0.00 1.08997 22/07/2015 13:35:25 22/07/2015 13:36:25 27880710.

Quick options EURUSD 1.09040 Closed $100.00 $0.00 1.09010 22/07/2015 13:35:03 22/07/2015 13:36:03 27880656.

Quick options EURUSD 1.09076 Closed $100.00 $165.00 1.09058 22/07/2015 13:33:03 22/07/2015 13:34:03 27880458.

And I could say is they are one big scam with a beautiful platform. Be careful and Stay clear of them.

Email me at sisterkohk@yahoo. hk if you want to know more and be a witness of their doings.

Now for Gods sake why optec ack like this. i trusted the despite all the bad reviews i had read. i had friends who i had even convinced to were ready to join with me, so i decided to check and see if really what i read about opteck is true so after athousand calls from them i decided before i put my friends in this let me test these brokers so i asked them the minimum amount that you have to begin with they told me 250 dollar. i opened a new account here since i never wanted to give them my main a ccounts so i i kept tossing them around till wen i got the visa card and i decided to give in the visa card number. my acc manager the one who had been calling me from optec told me a senior manager would call me on thirsday that was a day before yesterday. so i later before this call wrote to them and informed them i cant do the trade and i want that opteck account to be suspended and my money sent back to me, gues what . no one has contacted me after that not even a call or mail. on chat some lone called phibi showed up but she makes you look a fool…..

I Open a account with OPTECK WITH POWER BOOSTER Affiliate.

and Strangly the market was OPEN ON SUNDAY, I Think it was Fake no matter what I do I lose my money.

They are a BUNCH OF THIEF DON’T DEPOSIT THERE THEY WILL TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY . I try to fill a complain but nothing work, I ask them to give me some free trade so I can maybe get some of my find back they denied it.


Hi guys, i’m Rob. I’m a newbie, please tell me if this opteck work or not?

Do i have to be professional to use it? Obrigado.

Optecks recruiters are are slick and convincing. Unfortunately what they portray and promise is way short of the truth. When in deparation you attempt to withdraw your funds the game really begins. E mails are ignored and requests to resubmit documents are endless. Eventually when they run out of reasons for resubmission they inform you that the money has been paid but refuse documentary proof of this. I am still waiting for this refund. I would advise prospective traders to avoid Opteck like the plaguage.

Please save yourself a lot of grief and DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY . They have a very slick website but persistent hustlers on the phone. Beware of the names and titles they give, I’m not at all sure any of them are genuine.

I deposited £250, the minimum, in order to access the demo account and webinars to learn about binary options before actually trading. I had a friendly Senior Manager who in the first phone call pressurised me to up my deposit in order to ‘help’ her produce a ‘flexible’ strategy for my trading account. She didn’t ask for £2,500 but kept using that figure as an example, and did agree when I asked her outright if she was asking me to deposit more money. She did say she’d call back to give an online tutorial which she made out was a favour (as a senior manager wouldn’t be doing that with the lowest (green) level of investment). To be fair, when she did call back she accepted I wasn’t at that time going to increase my deposit and did spend a good 45 minutes on the tutorial and it was useful. She made the point she’d given me a lot of money in my demo account, $10,000, to play with. I later on made a couple of trades with this (and lost) and decided I’d use it at the weekend, not realising trading wasn’t available at the weekend and that the demo account had a time limit on it. I decided to use it on its’ last day but it wasn’t available. In the meantime I’d worked my way through their online tutorials and others she’d emailed me, but by that time became convinced this whole thing wasn’t for me.

I couldn’t find the online form to request a withdrawal of funds so called, and had confirmation they had my details for a refund to be made, less £30, but this would need to be agreed by my manager. When she called she kept saying she couldn’t ‘understand’ why I wanted to withdraw without any trading and not even try to win back the £30 admin fee they were going to charge on the refund. Eventually she accepted the fact I’d changed my mind but then put me through to her manager, who again wanted to ‘understand’ why I was withdrawing. After clearly stating my case a few times he put me back through to my manager who agreed the refund. That should have been the end of the matter but since then I’ve had a series of calls from men wanting to know why I’ve withdrawn……

I soon had a missed call from them, apparently from my manager. I called back to explain I was at that moment going away on holiday. I had another missed call some hours later. Then two days later I had another call from a man wanting to ‘understand’ – I made it clear I wanted no more calls. Five hours later I had another from another man, and after a row with this one (during which I was told there was no need for me to be rude and I told him his company was completely unprofessional) Zack Varier shouted ‘you can have your money’. Sure enough this did come through a few days later, but I had another call that weekend from another man, plus another one last week from another one (this time from an unknown number). I’ve told each one of them if they want to know they should speak to my account manager, that I want no more calls, it’s none of their business etc, but last Friday just to shut them up told them I had simply changed my mind. Then today I got a call from Roy Neeson. He put the phone down on me before I could get details of his ‘surname’ – I had to call back. I’ve today spoken to Lorna Tawud who has been told I’d go online to report what I see as harassment with their persistent calls and that I’ll get their company investigated if they call me again.

When they call, they are all Account Managers, Senior Account Managers, Head of Accounts, Head of Technical Analysis etc etc, I’m sure they make up whatever title comes into their heads. They are rude if you play them at their own game and ask why they’re calling and stop their spiel.

While waiting for my refund I spoke to a friend’s partner who teaches fast-track courses to people going into banking and trading. He said I’d escaped with a very cheap lesson learned, and that Opteck shouldn’t even be retailing it to people like me, novices. Also as the company is regulated in Cyprus you have no rights in the UK. Yes, there is big money to be made but also huge losses. I would say from my own personal experience this game is not for people like me, novices looking for a second income. But if you do try binary options I suggest you don’t consider his company.

but can you really earn a lot of money here on opteck that is my question.?

Opteck analysts are very deceiving, they entice you with great results during group webinar but when you trade one on one they purposely make you lose money and call you with a new strategy so you can deposit more. They do everything they can so you don’t withdraw. Typical pump and dump shop, do not trust them for advice they have alterior motives. Do your own research and learn the indicators or they will help you lose your money and have the audacity to ask for more.

I recently finished up with Opteck. I firstly deposited 2oooUSD and became a silver account holder and was appointed an account manager. The account manager was friendly and gave me knowledge and access to charts and information found on the internet. I was contacted at least twice a week and progressed in understanding the trade platform though i was not confident or convinced that I would make profits from what I was taught. I did some live trading after some time using the indicators as instructed from my account manager and although did make profit at times, more often then less I would gain only loss and lose any confidence I had gained. So having a small capital and understanding the risk I was hesitant to keep trading and more wanting to withdraw and prevent further losses. Several times I hit this level where I would, after some profit gain, suffer a loss and feel the smart option to withdraw balance and cut losses. Upon withdrawing funds, to finalize the transfer back to the account holder, he/she needs to verbally confirm this with the account manager. This is apparently for security reasons so that the account holder is surely the one that is making the withdrawal but on every occasion where i would try to withdrawal and be contacted by my account manager I would be convinced to stay and keep trading. They are very good at this and do it every day, they do not want you to take your money out and would rather see it lost in making them more future profits. I was soon later transferred to a new account manager without question i had some new guy talking to me like he knew me and respected me and raved on about getting rich and making hudge profits. I only wanted knowledge and information to help me trade successfully, not some doof that seemed like a life insurance salesperson. I narrowed his 20 minute call to me down to a few sentences and repeated it back to him and he shut up and had nothing more to say except that It would be very wise to deposit more money for a larger capital as soon there will be a huge profit opertunity. I denied that request and explained that when i saw results I will follow requests as such. With my remaining balance at his disposal he convinced me to make two investments that would in turn be unsuccessful and blow my account. Upon this closure he was to contact me back for further instruction. I have had no further contact from Opteck since having no balance to further trade with. Like many before me and many yet to fall into this habit of trading Opteck only want your money sitting in their accounts. I watched a webinar of the CEO of Opteck, who claims to always make a profit, doing 60 second trading and within fifty minutes had reduced his balance by $30 000. If one with a capital of $40 000 was to follow that webinar there would not be much chance of coming back up using opteck platform from that point onward. One can make fast amounts of money but be mindful that is possible to lose it all just as fast. My advice, avoid getting involved with Opteck, you will be left broke and angry.

I’m submitting this as a complaint towards the bad experience I’ve encountered with Opteck! I did send this same email to their complaints service (which I doubt will even do anything)

First of all, why am I required to deposit a minimum amount of $250 if the account manager doesn’t even want to trade with me with that amount. I was forced to have no less than $2500 in my account to have the account manager work with me. After I was told to have at least $2500 at which point I had deposited some more funds totaling $1500 in my account I was promised some one-on-one sessions. This was never honored. I was left on my own for over 2 weeks with not one notification how to proceed. After I started my process for withdrawal of my funds I was contacted by Jack from Opteck, explaining he is a company trader for Opteck and saw my request to withdraw my funds. He then said his job was to see how he can help traders like me to get a big portion of the funds back that I have lost and to let me stay interested in the business. He then told me he was going to guide me to trade 6 big trades with the remaining funds I had, just to gain what I had lost. He LOST ALL but 1 trade, leaving me with almost nothing in my account to withdraw.

I now feel very agitated since new traders are promised to be helped on the way to be successful in trading, and NOT that we are required to start with $5000 and $10000 accounts.

Every time I chat through their customer service chat link I’m being told that my account manager will be notified and I will be contacted. It never happened…..

It feels like I was purposely misguided in trading my last funds just so I can’t withdraw anything.

I do facing the same problem with you.

I have tried several times to apply for withdrawal and do all rejected by their ridiculous reasons. The last withdraw request submitted yesterday, their account manager name “David Thompson” called me up and wanted to assist me on my withdraw status. In the conversations he keep argue and contention with me he not understand why I wanted to withdraw. He wanted push me to have last trade with him, I am not that STUPID. I could not believe that he will gain money with me but he will trying to make me lost the money until nothing can be withdraw. So I’m keep reply to him ” I WANTED TO WITHDRAW, THIS IS MY LAST DECISION”. He replied “No..He have the right to decide what to do on my money”. I really get awe, that is my money, I can’t withdraw without his permission?? The worst part was the guy hang off the phone…just imagine how professional their are.

I think Iam not the only victim in Opteck. If anyone is looking for online binary trading strongly not recommended OPTECK.

Sounds very wolf of wall street if ye ask me me.

Opteck is the worst decision I have ever made! I had hopes of making a bit of money on the side of my current job. The Specialist that helped me make my first few trades caused me to loose $700, after that I tried to take my money out over 30 times and they kept calling me saying that I have regain my money back before withdrawing my funds. They Would Not let me take my funds out, I spent months trying to! Finally I gave in to talking to some Specialist Named Dan Miller who caused me to trade my entire finds and Lost Everything! $6000 dollars gone down the drain! The employees who talked to me were name Chloe Peterson, David Thompson, Some lady named Sarah, and some guy named Bill. DO NOT JOIN OPTECK, they are pros at getting you to invest so they can make commissions off your Profit and Loss! I really wish I had NEVER gotten involved with this company! I’m So Ashamed that I even let this happen to me!

I told the acc manager LIAM BITTAN that I need to withdraw my money although I have loss a few hundreds but I don’t mind but he con me into continue trading and told me he can help me gained back my initial deposit (U$4900) but I loss all in the end. I even recorded the calls to proof that I’m not lying. Had filed a complaint to Cyprus security. Why are they even regulated and still exists.

I have emailed Opteck to withdraw my money & close my account with them. I have received no response instead I noticed that they took some money off my account. I have been dealing with Kristy Clark. I have emailed both her and their support department. I did tell Kristy that I was not happy with they way they operate, so she was aware I was planning to close the account. I had never received the bonus that I was promised when I initially opened my account with them. They make empty promises.

I’m serve by same person as you. I cannot make any withdrawals on my account. She will tell u story. At the end, she piss off. You will not get anything back from them.

Opteck is a gambling site, not a trading site. They profile you to determine how much money they can squeeze out of you. They will go after your savings and push to have you take loans in order to provide your account with “flexibility”. They will offer “risk free trades”, guaranteed investments and demonstrate amazing results (only with their help on limited occasions) These are designed to dupe you in to “investing” as much as possible. From the first contact, there’s always very high pressure to increase your investment. It is gambling, and the house always wins. Losses are huge and winnings relatively small. They are only interested in you if they think you’ll invest more. Their webinars and one on one sessions are designed to empty your account. They make money when you lose money. Once they’ve got as much a they can get out of you, they don’t respond to emails and miss appointments; they lie about the promises made to secure further investments. This company has no integrity. Do not trust anything the account manager or anyone else says or does. Their Chief Analysts are frauds who are incapable of making money using their own system. The positive reviews you see are likely paid Opteck promoters, even their “experts” are incapable of making money using their system. They are however, very good at making excuses and creating deceptions.

I am writing this message to warn people about Opteck. Yes some people will swear that Opteck does everything it says, BUT the word swear can also be used in another way. Yes I mean I was sworn at while I was with my trading manager. Being new to binary options and to Opteck I thought it was a little disrespectful, BUT it got worse. I do not want to mention what he said but it was really degrading, and then he goes and loses my first ever trade. Yes I lost my money because I was silly, inexperienced, felt left alone so I decided to unsubscribe from Opteck. I was given a demo account and all the tools, videos, etc to use but one can only go so far. Yes my trading manager tried to help explain how it worked but it can be quite complicated. Its not that I’m complaining about their platform and learning tools they give you, its how I was treated, disrespected and degraded by some one who doesn’t even no me. What a bad experience.

This broker is simple a circus, a clown show!

I first invested $10,000 with them, they made me all kinds of nice promises, i just could’t lose my money.

After just 2 weeks, I had lost 20% of my investment. I asked help to my account manager, she wanted me to invest another $5000, which i refused, she never called me again. The analyst they assigned to me was a coke addict, and in a single session with him I lost $5000.

I complained since the very beginning, they never delivered the promised services, my account manager called me 3 times only and the last time was to ask me another $5000.

After a few weeks I asked her to call me, she never did, I heard that she was on a sick leave…

The analyst who made me lose $5000 on one asset never called me again, i was supposed to have 3 session/week with him, we only had 3 sessions, and in the last one he made me lose $5000.

After many complaints without answers, some one from their recovery department called me, i gave him a bunch of sh! t,

But he seemed to be a good guy and really seemed to want to help, so he made me invest another $500, with a promise that I would have risk free trades, bla bla bla…

He made me lose that $500 + what was left of my first investment within 2 days, and right after the last trade, when all my money was gone, he hung up on me…

Now i’m dealing with another person at the recovery department who tells me I’ll need to invest another $5000.

They will not reimbourse any money, that’s all they can do….

This broker is a definite joke.

CROOKS, LIERS, BULLSHITERs, that’s my experience with OPTECK!

Update on my OPTECK experience!

Right after reading the horrifying stories on this site and others about Opteck, I wrote the above story and sent Opteck the following message:

“Hi guys! I just read a lot of interesting reviews on Internet about OPTECK!

I now know who I’m dealing with!

Please take note that if you don’t take any actions and reimbourse my complete investment of $10,500 US in the next 5 days,

an action will be taken by Master Card and you will be notified as a FRAUD company,

and Master Card will reimbourse me and take actions against your company.

I will also take actions and will complain to CySEC in Cyprus about your fraudulent services.

Please call back ASAP and make sure you don’t even try to bullshit me again”

No later than this morning, I went back to their platform, and at my total surprise, my account balance was at $10,022.

I tried to withdraw it but they needed more info for my credit card.

I asked them to call me, they did within 5 minutes, talked to a lady at billing department, she was very polite but the conversation was very straight to the point, I told her I was still missing money in my account as my full investment was of $10,500. they corrected it immediately, so my new account balance is at $10,500! OUF.

now the last thing is to withdraw and get it back on my credit card.

Waiting for them to confirm my documents verification, then I should be able to withdraw my full 10500.

I’ll come to update!

Complain to CySec, and your credit card company.

is this broker CySEC regulated.

I got a registration confirmation email and phone call from Opteck. I keep the records and I don’t have Alzheimer, I never registered with Opteck by myself.

I asked the lady how Opteck has my information and how I registered with you. She told me through talking with one of our representatives. Then, I asked how that representative had access to my name and phone number. Finally, she hanged up.

She was lying. I registered with a different company, RBoptions. Once I found lots of red flags around RB options I asked them to do not call me back. RBoptions without my permission sold my information to Opteck and Opteck illegally used it.

Probably the same red flags around RBoptions are applicable to Opteck.

Though, be careful.

Not sure how to analyze what happened when responding to there ad. I was reading things just sent my e mail thinking I would get more info, When before I had a chance to read the next page they were calling me. For me it was 1 am and exhausted. They had confirmed they would train give a demo account and nothing would come out of my account until I had time to understand. Les than 12 hours they took the money billing office called me before I had a chance to even talk to the Broker assigned to guide me. So now I am skeptical of this! When my assigned broker called it will be 2 days before I even get the guidance they offer. Is it worth the wait or cancel before I loose money that should have not been transferred yet.

One of their sales agents tricked me into trading saying it is free and that I could be able to have back my money after trading since I had applied for withdrawal. I have a phone recording with them that proves they are liars. The record before the trading and after. I will do a youtube video and a facebook video for everyone to know who they really are. People need to be warned about this.

i am green with trading exp..OPTEC provided me with personal manager help..small demo trades..i decided to get a return of funds,,8 emails later..ok or verified,,then at 2.30 am woken..full on my acc. manager..isaid want to leave..he pushed said try this we win then decide if leave..i dont even know my way offered to take controll..i said no..lost all my ivestment in one go..what sort of help or advise is this..then wanted to take more out..totally devistated..lost more than 1500 aust dollars in one go..they based in cyprus..when say 250 min invest is 345 us dollars..KEEP WELL AWAY..UNPROFESSIONAL…STICK TO AUSTRALIAN..BAD EXP..NEVER AGAIN.

Regarding professionalism and support, the brokers are borderline negligent, if not crooks. Now, though I am a little bias, let me clarify why: I deposited $5 000 with Opteck, with the notion I would have a weekly schedule meetings and support, but whenever my “broker” would encourage me to place a bet and it didnt go through, I would NOT hear from then for weeks. If this sounds familiar, hold on, along with every deposit there are one-risk free trade or equivalent promotions to start, but regardless the results were the same. I found that for every bad trade gone wrong, I would either not hear from my broker, and if they did it was to ask for more money to recieved a promotion or risk-free trade. Once more deposits werent possible, watch them “trade” (gamble) away your funds, through extortionist hedging (doubling up), which can eat up the gain from the risk-free or whatever promotion. If I were to sum up my experiences in phases it would probably look like this: the Initial deposit, utilizing the promotion, if it goes well great. Next, (once a trade goes bad or long slump) if my broker put in a bad trade sometimes it ended up eating away at the profit margin gain by the promotions. Sometimes, afterwards, if was a significant marginal loss, I wouldnt hear from my weeks, if it was small days…Now I know there is riskiness to this kind of activities, but from the start, my experience essentially felt cheaped out, as my funds were chipped away, as –what I felt like– it seem the only possible way to make profit nonetheless break your initial principle was to deposit more money for the promotions, and continue that cycle and trudge hopefully not to slip up, if so the only way to progress was to deposit more money for a chance to get back where you were.

Hi everyone, I have been tricked by opteck managers and was promised big winnings, I have lost a lot of money, I was even given a risk free trade by Clive one of the managers there and when it lost I was never refunded the whole amount someone else called me and told me that Clive madeva mistake, I didn’t have any risk free trades, so I paid for their mistake. I was given another manager to trade with he use to call me to have sessions until I requested a withdrawal he never called since then his name is Vincent Hunt, I have sent so many massages, but he has never returned any of them and the billing department told me they need his approval to process the payment. The live chat is also of no help, the only thing they keep on telling me is that a request have been sent to him he will call me soon, it’s been days now and my withdrawal is still pending. Can anyone help me which way to follow to get my hands on my money. Is the a commission which I can raise this issue to be assisted. Please give me the information whoever has it.

Complain to CySec, and your credit card company.

Have you received any data on who or what to contact with your problem. I am sitting with the same problem and I know my account manager will not release as I called him a liar to his face as well as told the other account managers that phoned me and tried to convince me to continue.

Opteck is a gambling site. Their priority is to get you to “invest” (wager) as much as they possibly can. Their experts will use “cons” like a good pool shark to pressure and trick you to always put more money in. Then they will systematically “help” you empty your account. When you want to withdraw what’s left, they will throw every imaginable obstacle in your way to prevent that from happening. If they sense you’re going to close the account, they will give you an “opportunity” to recover your loses. The goal seems to be to deplete as much of the account as possible to ensure there’s nothing left to withdraw. It is a gambling site that masquerades as an investment site. It appears their only goal is to take money in. Do not expect this to be a profitable experience no matter what they tell you. They are very persuasive, but not honest. If you’re a gambler who’s just looking for a thrill, and have no need of the money, knock yourself out.

Opteck when first-time registered was very convincing. But when decided not to trade and withdraw on 26th August the support was slow to response. Only on 6 September did their account manager contacted me.

She was helpful but was also trying to convinced me to trade. For withdrawal we need verbal confirmation from account manager. There is a minimum fee of 30$ levied for the withdrawal..Very ridiculous deposited 250 without trading on withdrawal lost 30.

Now still waiting for the confirmation of my withdrawal.


After researching this company and looking at the complaints etc…I decided not to continue with my choice . I have asked them to remove me from their database and not to contact me any further. I even sent the account manager an email saying ” I did not want to continue with my account as a novice trader etc..” We shall see what happens eh ?

Hello all that screwed by Opteck. Has anyone idea how we could PAY BACK! to Opteck? Hit right to their hearts or MONEY. If we all just write here at this forum, we’ll never get justice. Any ideas.

so fat i’ve been “helped” by by my account managers and thir so called senior advisors to lose over 8000 euros on 3 days…….

of course they neither apologize no explain let alone rematch or compensate and when you complain about it they blame you and ask you to invest even more and if you dare to ask your account manager to call back…..forget it… No seriousness here. Just pirates. Stay away and dont be seduced by the claptrap about were experts here to help you etc.

After loosing about 22000usd with opteck, mostly with their account managers, I was still believing that they are good and respectable.

They said if I deposit 15K, they will compensate me with 20K cashback+10 risk free trades.

All the money was lost, no cash back. No risk free trades. no tel. calls, no reply to my tel calls, no reply to e-mailsplete silence.

What do you cail that?

I asked a lawyer, but I cant provide advance fees.

I know to which authority I should complain?

Can you help or advise.

My girlfriend joined up with Opteck just before brexit. She did wonderful. She turned a several thousand into nearly 50,000 with the help of one Jerome Benoit. In the beginning she was able to get a $100 here and there withdrawn, but that’s it. Unfortunately they are only supportive when your adding money or letting them use your money to make money. When it comes time to withdrawing some of that money or set aside some money, in a different account, that’s where the support ends. Her trading account was cleaned out. She received one response from customer service and the result of that was she would get the “senior broker” to contact her. No call 1 month later. Many emails to Mr Benoit all unanswered.

He even invested $25000.00 into Disney without any discussion. That represented nearly half of all money in the account. 2 weeks later the account was frozen all funds and access gone.

I’ve seen some of their answers to the negative posts about withdrawing money. one response mentioned sending a copy of the credit card front and back so that hey could verify identity… Mesmo. Lição aprendida.

Optec manipulate their trades as they want to, at a few ocations i found that on the stock exchanges and other brokers a trade is either rising or went down theirs imediatly change to the oppisite direction the moment you invest while the other traders and stock exchanges continue in the direction it was.

They have a very strange policy for withdrawal. They want account managers to acknowledge your withdrawal. Stephan Fono /Account Manager /stephan. fono@opteck. biz. He calls himself as professional and force you to trade even you dont want to trade. It is our money and they speak the money belongs to them. It is an individual wish whether to continue the trade or not. I am not sure why they have to force someone to trade .

Dear team – I am new and not so familar with the consistency of the dauly tradings.

what happens to my account if i just deposit the money and dont trade? I understand there is this auto trade, how does that works to my benefits?

I invested 126,357 US Dollars with Opteck. They continued to blackmail me into investing with the company. The brokers continued to have hissy fits when i asked them to trade more often. At times i couldn’t get in contact with them. And eventually they just changed brokes that placed ridiculous trades and cleaned my account in as little as 1 hour. They even went to the stage of putting up a play in the background while i was talking to them. They made out like they were winning $20,000 trades in the background. They went on one touch program when they traded with me. Where we made up to 15,000 each nigh on$1,000. But Now i have $2500 she couldn’t make $20 of real money.

Hi Stephen Georgiou I am very sorry to hear that you have had the same experience as myself. I have lost USD 127,000 with Opteck and I am in the process as of today to try and take some action against them. I will update once I get some sort of reply, which I suspect will be that Ultimately it is up to you as the trader etc etc excuses excuses. I will also post my experience on this site as I believe it is one of the only unbiased and genuine commentaries on Binary Options Companies. I only wish I had come across this site when I had researched scam Brokers and whether or not Opteck was a scam. Amazingly most other Binary Options Reviewers still recommend Opteck as one of the four top Binary Brokers. I seriously wonder what the pay off is. I will have alot more to add soon, for the sake of other unwary investors as was I. In the mean time DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE MISLED AND DECEIVED BY THIS COMPANY . THEY CAN TALK THE TALK BUT CERTAINLY DON’T WALK THE WALK.

My experience with opteck was awful, after I have brought my account to 5000, usd they started pushing me to increase it to 10,000 usd, then it was clear to me that these guys are after my money so I immediately click for withdrawal they keep denying me from withdrawing, they would call me and cancel my withdrawal these keep happeningredients over and over again until they wipe out my ballance of 5034 usd leaving only 34usd, by one of them that explained himself as Steve Mcarthy. I have all the proofs to back up my claim.

beware I asked to close my account and within minutes had a phone call from my so called account manager he was trying to persuade me to go 10000 int debt I luckily rejected this but did go a further 1000 he then gave me advise to place this money on binaries and when to do it I followed his advise and within 5 hours lost everything.



They will first offer to train you. But there trying to find out how much money you can invest in them. Then they convince you its safe and keep asking for more and more till they have it all. I lost a total of$126,357 USD in just one hour. They have a computer game set up like they are making you real money. Then they gamble away huge amounts till you have nothing left. If you want to chat about what i have here Email me.

Hi, Stephen, I am sorry to hear you lost your money, I have heard they use team viewer to control your computer to place some trade in the back ground till you lose almost all your money. it is hard to believe they are regulated!

I was talked into depositing $500 and would receive an account manager. He called me that night trying to convince me to put $10,000. When I refused to do so he got quite angry and talked over me. He told me I was wasting his time. I filled out the required document verification and requested to withdraw my money. I have been told for the last three days that the account manager has tried to call me when I questioned them on chat. I have no missed calls and have had my phone with me 24/7. They lie saying they called when the didnt. They are very quick to call you when they want your money but do not call you when you want to withdraw it.

Opteck just shutdown Binary trading, they say sent out mail notification (did not receive), could have at least flashed on webserver for notification, Opteck sucks.

I am on this site to express my views on Opteck. When I let my $250 investment (thankfully that was all) stay dormant when I was travelling I was charged fees. taking my amount to $200. Yesterday I was contacted by telephone by Zack and he told me that he had a good deal (this after I had requested a refund of what money I had remaining). He told me what to do and I figured that this was a trial help. By the end of the day I had $52 remaining!

This is my personal experience from opteck, thay are looking for excuse to deduct money from your account, they have many things like maintenance fee, transaction fee, monthly fee, commission fee from trade. When at final you look at your account it looks all the profit go to them . They make also withdrawal request very difficult. I have worked 2 years with them and I do not recommend them to anybody.

I invested $377.82 NZD which was the minimum $250 USD. I withdrew my money after two weeks as I was having trouble with them. When I did the withdrawl I had $264.92 USD. They deducted $30USD which by rights I should have only lost approx $40-$50 total. Only when I finally got my refund 10days later it was $255.66NZD. What I would like to know is where did the other $70 odd NZD go. Infeliz. Learnt my lesson. Just going to do my 9-5 Job. Don’t be fooled by any quick rich scheme. You are better off playing lotto.

I entered my registration details on the QuantumCode website which is a known scam but I did not know that at the time. Soon after I entered my registration details I was then called by an agent from Optek wanted to complete and activate my account. To my surprise I couldn’t remember any Optek registration within the past two day and the ONLY I did i registered on QuantumCode. QUESTION how did Optek got my information if they are not working with QuantumCode.

I started off with $200 with Opteck. Their consulted told me I could trade for that amount, of which I paid and was later told to increase it to $500 BEFORE I could get trading assistance as I was a beginner and could trade.

I couldn’t increase the amount to 500USD and I ended up losing all my initial investment to charges.

It was so sad seeing 0.00 in my account without profiting nothing.

I opened an account with opteck 2 months ago. Since i am newbie i always listen to what my account manager says. They are forcing you to put more money that’s the time i decided to withdraw whatever money left in my account. Account manager called me and convinced not to withdraw instead put more. Now they are giving me a hard time to withdraw my money. I hope they will give my money back.

Have been trading with Opteck for 7 month now and no complains so far. Withdrawals are very quick and customer support top notch. My deposit was 750$ and after two months i earned 3300$. It took some time to withdraw them because i had to verify my documents first, but after that withdrawals take 2-3 days. I am very happy with the results so far!

i have had a BITTER experience with OPTRICK They take your money EASILY I told the person that I was new to trading. They like to hear that. I deposited $300 Then after losing some trades I decided to pull out. I have been trading a little while so I was not new I just said that so they could trick me, and they did. OPTRICK said that they would help me trade [do not take that offer or bonus] Whenever you insist that you want a refund, after you gone around the “mulberry bush” too many times, after one delaying tactic after the other, to verify one thing after another. OPTRICK sends the SNAKE to get you with a soft soothing voice. I said alright I will try again. Twice they did that to me. The first time I went in with eyes closed. She gave me Vodafone to trade to trade with. I allowed the losing streak to go on until all my money was gone. The second time it was Silver this time it was fast and furious within two hours money gone. Note she gave me the trade I saw it as A losing one but I glibly ran in. She said it would turn and go the other way. I have screenshots of my experience. I have learnt over time to take a picture of everything. When you place a trade and when it ends TAKE A SCREENSHOT THAT IS YOUR PROOF. I lost about $600 but I am 6000 times wiser. OPTRICK IS A SCAM THEY DO NOT LIKE YOU TO WITHDRAW YOUR MONEY.

To be very honest never make mistake of choosing opteck. They only trap you to invest more money as you loose your trades. They don’t give you proper trade signals which most of them are going in the reverse direction and they don’t apologize their mistake. Account manager changes without knowing you and one of the account manager said “I don’t care what you lost”, I am here to increase your account. I lost $850 because of her wrong information on the same day. She didn’t apply immediate action and I lost all my money for a margin call. Don’t trust their webinars. Please publish all to close this traders, so that someone can save their money.

i have deposited $250 American money and told them to keep it after their account manager called me. very very suspicious and I am not sending them my passport address proof etc as I do not trust them. i will probably never see my $250 again but at least it is all..

I had no idea about trading, i just wanted to make monei.

i registered for optecks and mr Rossi called me.

very polite young wise man.

i told them honestly my situation and they helped me.

they did a programm for investing for me, not for big profits but 100$/day for me is more than enough.

no i do that work 2months and my account manager helps me to get the 100$ every day.

before few days i did withdrawal request and today i gor 3200$ into my ABSA bank account.

and i keim hier to write the review and thank Mr Rossi and his Senior manager Marin for helping me.

now i can pay all the fees for education for both my children and i can buy my wife a p[resent for birthday on saturday.

Don’t Joinnnnnnn !! have invested 250 to test if I could really make money in this platform. After that the first call i receive from Opteck is a broker with very bad attitude telling me to deposit another $5k into the account. i reply that I have no money guess what she said go borrow from someone and she said she doesn’t believe my account have no money at all. She demanded rudely and ask me for my credit card 16 digit and she will take whatever I had in the account to help me trade . I refuse and she kept on pressuring and ask for my card details. In the end I could not take it and hang the call. I tried many ways to withdraw the 250 that first deposit in nobody is willing to assist in doing that and said that it is not possible to withdraw it out unless I started trading and I need to deposit more money as 250 is not enough. This company is totally crap their main thing is not to help you with trading they just want people like us to continue deposit more and more money and by the end of the day even if u are successful with your trade you could not even withdraw your money out from the account. A VERY HONEST AND TRUTH STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED.

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Revisão de Opteck.

See what our users say about Opteck Review.

História e Antecedentes

Opteck was formed in 2011 by a team of financial professionals that were determined to focus on simplicity and education in the burgeoning field of binary options. The firm has stayed true to its simplicity mission over the intervening years by choosing a limited, but popular, set of asset choices, a broad array of educational materials and one-on-one training, and a proprietary trading platform that is intuitive and exciting to use. There are over seventy asset choices that include major currency pairs, commodities, stocks, and indices. For success in trading, veterans understand that focusing on a few highly liquid assets and avoiding the temptation of obscure opportunities is the preferred course for consistent gain.

Opteck offers the traditional Call/Put digital option with expirations times that vary from 60 seconds to 24 hours. Payoffs can reach 85%, and rebates can be as high as 15% on selected assets. Special weekend One-Touch options are also offered with payoffs up to 100%. The firm’s trading platform is easy to use and gives you complete control with a minimum of keystrokes. Promotions, bonuses, and contests are plentiful to keep things exciting, but the major distinguishing feature of the firm is its approach to education. A dedicated account manager will lead you through the process, aided by introductory participatory webinars from their head of analytics. Their extensive library of materials provides valuable insights for every level of trader.

Opteck is a binary options broker, owned as a trademark by Bnet Online LTD, which is a private company with an office in the United Kingdom at 788-790 Finchley Road, London, NW11 7TJ. Bnet Online LTD is owned by B. H.N. V Online LTD, a private company registered in the jurisdiction Belize with its official office at Suite 102, Ground floor, Blake building, Corner Eyre & Hutson Streets, Belize City, Belize. Infelizmente, os clientes dos EUA não são aceitos neste momento.

Opteck is regulated by CySEC.

Formed in 2011 by a team of financial professionals; Regulado por CySEC; Headquartered in Belize with offices in London; Call/Put options range from 60 seconds to 24 hours; One-Touch weekend options also offered; Payoffs range up to 85% on selected assets (100% for One-Touch); Refunds on failed trades may reach 15% on selected assets; Over 70 asset choices, including major currency pairs, commodities, stocks, and indices; User-friendly proprietary trading platform; Abundant educational materials and specialized one-on-one training; Plentiful promotions, bonuses and competitions to test the expertise of all customers; Bilingual customer assistants available during global market hours via live-chat, email, and direct phone line.

Three account classifications with escalating benefits: Bronze (Deposit range = $250 to $499); Silver (Deposit range = $250 to $4,999); and Gold (Deposit range = $5,000 to $9,999); Free Demo Account and separate Islamic accounts are available; Minimum Deposit = $250; U. S. customers not accepted at this time;


Investment amounts may range from $25-$10,000; Deposits and withdrawals are easy with quick access to funds a guarantee; All major credit cards are accepted, along with bank wire transfers, Skrill (Moneybookers), Western Union, and CashU. Each method may have a delay connected with the processor of choice, but once funds arrive, you will be given immediate credit; Withdrawals will be handled promptly, but if a purchase order comes through after submission and before approval, then the withdrawal will be automatically reversed to allow you to continue trading; In order to approve and process any withdrawal request, all internationally mandated identification information must already be on file and in order.

The Opteck trading platform is proprietary, but it has the look and feel of industry standards. The unique benefits of the system are covered in an online ebook, but, in general, the trading process is simple and straightforward. No downloads are necessary, since the platform is entirely web-based. Multiple languages are also supported. If you can access the Internet with your laptop, PC, smart phone, tablet or any other Internet connected device, you can trade with Optec.

Em formação.

Opteck excels in the area of training and education materials, including an assortment of ebooks, videos, webinars, and much more, all designed for any level of trader. There are 20+ videos tutorials, for example, on a range of topics, and there is even an ebook that explains the many benefits of their proprietary trading platform. As an extra-added bonus for newcomers, opening an account entitles you to personal one-on-one training from the head of their Analytics Department. You will allowed to participate in four separate webinars with him on such subjects as Money Management, Trading Psychology, Chart Analysis, Trading Strategies, Opteck Competition, and Trading Competitions.

Bilingual customer service representatives can be reached via live chat, email, or phone. All accounts are entitled to a designated account manager who is professionally trained to answer your queries, provide direct consultancy on the system and its many features, and help you get started in trading with Opteck.

Regulation is under the jurisdiction of Belize authorities, as the island is considered a financial center with capable registration and licensing bodies. For security and safety, the website automatically encrypts all personal and trading session data with the latest in 128-bit SSL technology.


Simplicity is good, especially in the binary option trading world. It is far too easy to get distracted and then to resort to a gambling mentality. The management team at Opteck wants to prevent this situation from ever happening by providing a focused, user-friendly approach to this new and exciting genre. They have been operating over three years and appear to have found a good formula for success – selected assets, excellent training and support, and an easy-to-use platform. Their stated goal says it all: “Advancing your trading potential through education and technology is our prime goal. We believe that by doing things as effectively as possible, you are further inclined to accomplish your trading objectives.”

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